Snuggies Are The Best "As Seen On TV" Product Ever Made, Change My Mind | The Odyssey Online
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Snuggies Are The Best "As Seen On TV" Product Ever Made, Change My Mind

My Snuggy is one of my favorite possessions.

Snuggies Are The Best "As Seen On TV" Product Ever Made, Change My Mind
Audrey Hall

We've all watched the commercials that try to sell us the "as seen on TV" products that rarely live up to the efficiency promoted by the advertisers.

For example, the commercial for "Sham-wow" would frequently play on my TV. The advertisers promise that the Sham-wow towel can clean any mess or spill with a single wipe, no matter how large the accident is. However, if anyone has bought this product, there is no denying that the Sham-wow does not work. Rather, it is a more expensive towel.

These odd commercials promoting products that supposedly make your life easier, are often laughable due to how ridiculous they are. However, there is one "as seen of TV" product that I would argue is actually efficient and effective.

I love my Snuggie. The Snuggie commercial presented a blanket that contains sleeves, allowing one to do their tasks while snuggled up in a blanket. Though this Snuggie fad was a few years ago, I still use mine everyday.

After a long day, all I want to do is cuddle up in my cozy cheetah print Snuggie. Why? Because at this point in the day, I am most likely hungry, wanting to read or watch a movie, and be able to do the tasks I have to while still comfortable. You can catch me walking around my house, making food, brushing my teeth, doing laundry, etc. all while I am wearing my cozy Snuggie.

People will laugh at me and say I look silly. All I know is that "as seen on TV" products are normally scams but if anyone has a Snuggie, they can concur that they are a crucial possession to have.

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