Dear Snowstorm,
THANK YOU. But, please go.
You've camouflaged the state of Michigan under this unforgettable snowstorm of 2019. It's crrrrazzyyyy out here! Under a state of an emergency declared on Tuesday, January 29th, you've affected thousands of lives. Closings posted for days in advance, large businesses shutting down, and massive universities are canceling classes. LIT! But please go.
You're giving us a well-deserved rest.
You've done some rearranging in our lives this past week. Traveling by car is basically a no go. Standing outside is basically a no go. You've given some of us time to catch up on homework and have allowed some of us to take the naps we've had no excuses to take before. You are allowing us to slow down and remember that our health and safety comes before our other obligations.
Snowstorm, you are allowing us to spend time with our loved ones, and showing us how unnecessarily busy our lives have become. You are reminding us of our priorities. You are showing us that life is more than having errands to run, our 9-5 jobs, and more so about taking the time to care for ourselves.
But, to some of us, you're tearing our lives apart.
You're taking away work from us and our source of income. You are leaving the homeless in bad conditions. You are showing us how the uncontrollable force of weather can pinch our skin with frostbite and go as far as taking lives away. You are taking away school lunches that are some children's only source of food.
Snowstorm, you are a force not to be reckoned with. You've shown somehow little power we have in this large and powerful world. You've trapped some indoors with seasonal depression. You've done damage to physical, mental, and emotional health.
Snowstorm, you've shown us the privilege that comes with enjoying snow days.
To some, you are a gift sent from the heavens. To others, you are damaging lives. You've made it clear that there is a divide in our social system between those who can afford snow days and those who cannot.
Snowstorm of 2019, we love you and we hate you.