Snow days have always been magical to me. You wake up at 6:00am all groggy and sleepy to get ready for school and you get that glorious phone call on your home phone. You hear your parents answer the phone in their sleepy Monday morning voices and the automated sound of the Gods come through your telephone.
"The _____ Public Schools are closed Today, February __,2017.
You proceed to dance around your kitchen in your fleecy Disney pajamas, make some hot chocolate, freak out at how pretty it is, and proceed to walk back towards your bed.
Only after you take a cute snap with the iconic temperature filter.
But when you're not in high school and you're surrounded by your best friends in college, University's close and you have no classes for the entire day.
You look outside your dorm room and see the resident lot covered to the brim in snow as well as the roads and branches 100% decorated in glittery white.
You look to your room mate, and realize how hype the rest of the day is going to be.
You can't wait to:
1. Grab your bin top and sled down the hill of your campus.
2. Hike up to the cafe with your best friends and try to not entirely wipe out.
3. Get hella creative with food and recipes and suddenly turn into gourmet chefs and make so many different crazy foods for the rest of the day.
4. Obvious Netflix binge
5. Board games all DAY.
It feels like a mini vacation from the craziness that is college life. So, while winter sucks. Enjoy those cancellations with your roommates and university buds!