Our lovely little southern, Mississippi town of Oxford saw some snowfall the other day. I'm from Illinois, so don't get me wrong I LOVE the snow just as much as the next person, but I have to admit that I was quite shocked at the excitement I was seeing as these little white flakes fell from the sky.
The temperature hit 32 degrees and a single white flake hit the ground. Next thing I knew, I was getting alerts from Oxford's Police Department saying they were sending out some officers to patrol the bridges and emergency Reb alerts were being sent out about the possibility of school shutting down. However, I had class and school was not canceled, so I packed up my backpack and headed on out.
When I arrived, I was surprised but then again not surprised to see about 10% or less of my class in attendance. The talk began... "Did you see that it's snowing?!" "I wonder if they're going to cancel class tomorrow" "I am kind of scared to drive in this!"
The first thing to address: even if you were locked in a basement room without a window in sight you would know it was snowing thanks to every single student enrolled in the University posting to their Snapchat or Instagram stories (yes including myself). On to the next two things I heard in class, wondering if they will cancel class tomorrow... I once had to call my principal myself to inform him that I would not be able to make it to school (seeing it was not canceled) TWO days in a row because I was snowed in at my house due to the FEET of snow on the ground. Needless to say, to the guy who said "I am kind of scared to drive in this," I hope you never move further North. The day I got my license there was about 7 in. of snow on the ground, and I slid every turn I made.
Though I am grateful for this lovely snowfall, it was a little overhyped for a Northerner.