There are two types of people on snow days. The type that hates snow days and would do anything to get out of their houses, or those who get excited over snow days. I personally love snow days because it gives everyone a day to relax and take a break from your responsibilities. It is a day where you can do absolutely nothing. Here are some things that you can do on this lazy day when you're snowed in the house:
1. Build a snowman.
Embrace the snow! What better way to enjoy it then building a snowman? Get creative and turn it into a cool one like this "Harry Potter" one from the Wizarding World of "Harry Potter." I guarantee you it probably will not look like this, but you can at least try.
2. Sledding
Another way to embrace the snow is by going sledding. Sledding is always fun to do with a group of friends. Just try not to hit into a pole like I did once...or other people.
3. Movie marathons
This is one of my favorite things to do since I love movies so much. Whenever I am snowed in with my family, we all watch movies together. The difficult part is deciding what movies to watch because the possibilities are endless. "Harry Potter" or Disney themes are always good choices.
4. Netflix-binge
Now you finally have the chance to watch your Netflix show in peace. You now have the time to catch up on what you're watching (watch "Dexter!") or start a whole new show. Try to see how many episodes you can go through in a whole day. Warning: After finishing a whole show you might go through depression and question who you are in life.
5. Read
I personally love to read. I'm currently reading "It's Kind of a Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini and I definitely recommend it. Now you finally have time to catch up on any books that you are reading or want to read.
6. Clean
Now would be the perfect time to actually clean your room which looks like a tornado hit it because you haven't cleaned it in God knows when. Put on some dance music to make it fun and don't be afraid if you break out into some moves. The cleaning will get done faster and you'll be able to actually see the floor of your room.
7. Online shopping.
I think that we have all done this where we stare at our computer screens at the beautiful clothes and makeup that we want without actually buying anything. You will feel like you have some kind of claim on them in your shopping cart but you know that you don't have the money to actually get it. You can get excited now because your birthday is coming up soon, or you can cry because it's too far away. However, you can always be that brave soul and actually buy stuff and act like you didn't just spend your money.
8. Eat
Snow days are the perfect days to eat everything in your house. You can just go to your pantry with no one to judge you as you eat whatever you want. If you are on a diet, take a break. I know, I'm a great influence.
9. Bake
Baking is a great way to spend your snow days. Bake some cookies or brownies or maybe even both. Don't forget about the slutty brownies, too. After it is all finished, make sure you take a Snapchat or Instagram post of it so everyone can be jealous. Finally, you can eat your feelings away.
10. Make fun drinks
You are going to need a drink to go with all that baking and eating. Try to make some kind of fun drink. It can be hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream to go with the snowy weather or it can be a tropical drink if you hate the snow and wish that you were anywhere but here. Take out the blender and make some Pina Coladas or Strawberry Daiquiris. Virgin, of course.
11. Sleep
The best part about snow days is you finally have the chance to sleep in. Actually, you don't even have to get up at all. Catch up on some sleep and sleep the whole day away. Just imagine that Harry Styles is holding you like he is there.
Enjoy your snow days!