A Sneak Peak at my Travel List | The Odyssey Online
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A Sneak Peak at my Travel List

I want to travel to some of the strangest places, but for now here's just my top 5.

A Sneak Peak at my Travel List

Let me start this article off by saying, I've never left the country, but that doesn't mean I don't want to.

Much like most nineteen-year-old individuals, I'm fascinated by the world around me. There's something about traveling to different places, and seeing the different sights that just makes me fall in love with the beauty that is on this earth.

Traveling is the kind of thing that you're either really into, or you're just not. For me, experiencing new things and seeing how other people live is something I will always find fascinating.

Now, there's a thousand places to visit in the universe, and so many that I want to see! How am I ever going to see them all? I don't really have an answer to that, but I can tell you where I want to start!

1. California.

I figured I'd start my traveling off small and stay in the country for my first trip! I feel like Cali is one of those places that is an iconic state. For one thing, it's a completely different lifestyle than what I live now. I live on the east coast, where it snows and rains all the time. In California, those conditions are both so foreign. California is essentially the exact opposite of Massachusetts, all the way across the country, and I feel like it would be cool to see how the other half lives. I also kinda wanna see what it's like out there in the sense that there's always something going on in pop culture!

2. Australia.

Call me crazy, but I would totally sit on this extremely long plane ride to see my koala friends! I have wanted to go down under for as long as I can remember. I'm absolutely fascinated with the underwater world, and Australia is home to the Great Barrier Reef, a place where I can see some insane fish friends.

3. Italy.

The food, the atmosphere, the history, say no more! Talk about a trifecta right? I don't really think I need to elaborate on this one, but I'll just say this: when can I buy my plane ticket?

4. Greece.

Picture this: crystal clear blue water, beautiful architecture, and rich mythological history! Call me a total nerd, but I do believe in Greek mythology. In fact, I low key consider myself an expert because I've read all the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books. I think it would be really cool to not only explore Greece but take a look at features like the Parthenon! I feel like since Greece is such a wonder of the world, why not check it out for myself?

5. Brazil.

So far the past few places on my list have had pretty reasonable explanations, namely some of the wonders of the world! Some of you are probably thinking, "Brazil? really?" And yes really. Brazil has phenomenal waterfalls! I've always wanted to go there specifically to see some of them. In my opinion, waterfalls are some of the greatest gifts nature has given us because they have so many functions. Too bad I've never seen a real one in person... Maybe some time soon though!

So now that you've seen my first five places on my travel list, I bet you're wondering what I'm going to do when I get there, and so am I.

The best thing about traveling is that you don't necessarily need a set plan. It can partially be left up for spontaneity! I have a travel journal I plan on taking with me to document my experiences and see what I can learn about myself along the way. I feel like new environments push you out of your comfort zone and help you learn a lot, or at least that's what I'm hoping.

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