Snapchat Is The Worst Thing To Happen To Dating | The Odyssey Online
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Snapchat Is The Worst Thing To Happen To Dating, And You Cannot Convince Me Otherwise

No, I can't send you a cute selfie at 10 p.m., I'm already in bed!

Snapchat Is The Worst Thing To Happen To Dating, And You Cannot Convince Me Otherwise

Am I the only person on this planet who can't stand Snapchat?

Don't get me wrong, I used to be amused by sending funny videos to my friends, and we all know it started so that people could — gasp! — send nudes that will disappear, but I'm really at the end of my rope with it.

When you're in a relationship, it can be cute. You know what one another looks like, and you can giggle at silly pictures of each other that aren't the most flattering. But when you're first getting to know someone, it's extremely exhausting and annoying having to send pictures of your face to someone every hour, or, if you're like me, pictures of about 1/3 of your face. Yes, that's why you've been receiving pictures of my chin or the sky or a trashcan — because I'm not up for this!

Do the people we're trying to date realize that we don't have the time and energy to look good every day, nor do we want to?

I go to class looking like a thumb, and Snapchat is really trying to expose me for that to the cute guys I start talking to. It's easier for men because they don't have to do much to get ready, and there's less pressure on them to take a good picture. For women, you either want makeup on to feel cute in your selfies, or it's survival of the filters. Which one can save my face and make me look decent? And if you don't feel this way, allow me to extend my deepest respects.

It also kills communication. I'll go from texting someone every day to snapping them every day and let me tell you, those are two very different things.

On Snapchat, you get away with saying two words to someone and that supposedly constitutes a great conversation. Sure, there's the chat section, but if you're chatting on Snapchat, why not just text? It's a real bummer because you lose any sort of emotional connection and then it's all about looking cute or being funny.

I know there are bigger problems in the world and this is pretty trivial, but in my perfect world, this app does not exist. It's really just a pest in my life and feels somewhat immature. Why don't I just delete it, you ask? Well... I guess I don't mind getting cute selfies... just don't expect any back.

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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