The mobile application Snapchat has been around for a couple years now and more people are getting on this social media platform, even companies are as well. It has definitely affected our lives fairly significantly in the time that it has been out. Our generation has become so dependent on smartphones and sharing our world through pictures and videos.
We sometimes forget about the moment we're in and suddenly you pull out your phone and think to yourself "Oh, let me take a Snapchat story of this so I can show all my friends how cool this is!" In doing so, you're spending more time worrying about sharing to the world a picture or video rather than taking it all in physically. You'll see it a whole lot more at concerts than anything else.
Also, posting Snapchat stories have become a way to prove that someone is actually where they say they are. I see it all the time where a group of friends will hang out but one person will be doing something else and lie and make sure that they don't post any "Snap stories." It is quite ridiculous how it has affected our actions in such a way.
This is just something to think about and how the mobile application really impacted our lives. It will be interesting to see what new innovation will potentially change our lives forever in a different way.