SMS Marketing: Definition & 7 Best Practices for Brands to Leverage Growth | The Odyssey Online
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SMS Marketing: Definition & 7 Best Practices for Brands to Leverage Growth


SMS Marketing: Definition & 7 Best Practices for Brands to Leverage Growth


Wondering if there's a marketing strategy that gets 3x more results than email?

It's the strategy that 6.5 Billion consumers are already subscribed to and a proven way to connect with your consumers, build authority and customer loyalty and increase revenue.

It is SMS marketing that has the highest read rate and engagement by far.

This article will cover what SMS marketing is and the best practices to help you leverage this channel for your business growth.

What is SMS marketing?

It is one marketing tactic in which brands use text messaging software to send texts related to promotional offers, new product arrivals, and shipping notifications to their consumers.

For instance, if you're running a clearance sale, you can let your customers know about it. Or, if you own a restaurant, you can text your customers' daily specials or coupon codes.

7 Best practices of SMS marketing

1. Get consent & provide an opt-out

You must acquire digital consent to send text messages to your consumers. Otherwise, you're a spammer and can get into legal trouble.

You can encourage website visitors to signup for a trial or a freebie, letting them read your terms related to SMS marketing and agree on them.

The other important thing is to make the opt-out clear and easy for your consumers, ensuring your money doesn't get wasted on unyielding subscribers.

The best and most reliable SMS provider like Digimiles ensures that brands comply with the rules and regulations required by the governing laws.

2. Keep SMS content precise

Although you can send a text message with more than 160 characters, you must limit your message within or near that range.

It helps you avoid the fluff and get straight to the deal. Ensure you structure an SMS with the following framework:

  • Customer name
  • Offer
  • Call-To-Action
  • Disclaimer
  • Opt-out

If you have a page containing more details about the offer, consider using a shortened link subscribers can follow.

3. Timing is crucial

Regarding text messaging time, think about your audience's persona - when they're busy commuting and likely to be on their mobiles?

A/B testing and experimenting determine which timings drive better engagement and results.

According to surveys, Mondays have the lowest response rate and Thursday-Friday the most for eCommerce, food, travel, and entertainment brands.

4. Keep the SMS entertaining

Don't get so formal about text messaging, as SMS is a highly personal medium. Consumers prefer brands that use conversational language and interactive content.

So use that as an opportunity to deliver memorable customer experiences. Send short quizzes, polls, and 'did you know' types of texts to catch subscribers' attention and earn credibility.

For example, Starbucks has been delighting its customers for a long time with trivia and rewards

5. Categorize

Do you talk to new subscribers like long-term customers? Of course, you wouldn't.

You will have a different message to share for each type of subscriber. You may have to share coupons or free shipping details with new subscribers to attract them, while long-term customers look forward to new product arrivals.

Leverage subscribers' profile data and purchase patterns to segment and deliver personalized customer experiences.

6. Bring value

Remember to put your customer first in your text marketing campaigns.

Share exclusive offers via SMS marketing. Doing so makes customers stay subscribed to your list.

Don't bombard your subscribers back to back with greedy offers. Instead, deliver value in some way, which will help you build loyal relationships and ultimately leads to increased revenue.

7. Track performance

Innovative brands know how their SMS marketing campaigns perform and how to get better with each in terms of R.O.I.

Currently, most SMS vendors offer an intuitive web dashboard and API to track campaign results. It can help you analyze and improve your future campaigns.

After all, successful brands and their campaigns aren't created overnight. Being able to measure their marketing investment is what keeps them on top of the game.

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