We can all say that there is almost nothing in the world that can equal the feeling of taking that first hit of a perfectly rolled joint! If you are anything like me, your summer was probably a circus of late nights and too many bong rips. Now it is time to step back into real life (with a sprinkle of bong rips), and here are some things you want to make sure you handle first and foremost!
1. First of ALL, nobody wants to smell your sautéed lungs!
It's time to get your head back in the game, and it's all about first impressions, right? Let's not let bad breathe (or bad hygiene PERIOD) be the say-all for what you have to bring to the table. Major smoking tip: you should keep some kind of gum or mint in your “weed bag" to keep your breath fresh and clean! Keeping small perfumes or cologne on you can also leave them wondering how you always smell so good!
2. Burn some OTHER herbs!
Sage, incense, palo santo, an IKEA aromatic candle—whatever gets the dank out and the aroma in will definitely make your space more relaxed and open. Some herbs like sage can also be used to cleanse a space of “negative energy" or "bad vibes", also making the space more groovy and positive! Where can you find some aromatic herbs? The INTERNET! I swear all you need to do is Amazon Prime those goodies straight to your door.
3. If you don’t already, drink some DAMN WATER!
We are making smart decisions here, people! Let's stay HYDRATED! No matter what you're doing, you should always make sure that you're drinking water but especially so if you're a smoker! People tell me all the time “Well, inhaling anything into your lungs can never be good for you!" That is true, but the least you can do is make sure you're drinking water and staying hydrated. Water can't do anything BUT HELP! This summer heat alone was enough to dry out a whole sea, so make sure you get enough water to drink!
4. Just BREATHE!
How often do you forget to breathe? How often do you forget that breathing is something your body will do whether or not you're conscious of it happening? For me, it's an everyday thing, but I know for others breath work is a really important natural process for us to focus on! Being conscious of the way we breathe can really enhance the way that we enjoy bodily sensations and change the way we react to things! It's as simple as slowing your breath and energy when something frustrates you to focusing in on your breath when concentration seems close to impossible.
5. Get some fresh air because your brain needs oxygen.
You don’t always have to go for “a walk” to get some fresh air! Something as simple as taking a step outside your front door or cracking a window and taking a peak out can have the same effect as taking a 30 min stroll around the block (which is also equally satisfying if you can) ! It can’t be healthy to try to expand the mind in such a boxed and limiting space such as a room. Find some fresh air and take a long, deep inhale; now exhale it all away...WOOSAHHHHHHH!
6. Haha Munchies...
Yummmy, here comes the MUNCHIES! Needing a good meal after a good smoke is almost inevitable, but you want to make sure you’re nourishing your body with all the right stuff to keep it going through the day and ultimately throughout LIFE! Junk food is always a quick an down easy go to, but what about making a nice snack or perhaps having a meal ready for you to D-E-V-O-U-R once the sesh is over!
7. NOW, meditateeeee
Finally, the moment we have ALL been waiting for! What better way to revitalize the spirit and mind than with a good meditation session. Don’t let that word scare you! People might say this to you all the time but meditation really does makes the difference between losing your mind and peace of mind. I won’t be the one to force anyone to do anything BUT I highly recommend it!
Now that we're back to school, hopefully, all of you smokers can sober up a little and make this year YOURS!