From my own personal experience, the more you smile the more people want to be around you. We all have that friend that is a negative Nancy, so why not try to cheer them up with a smile? When you smile, you are releasing feel good endorphins throughout your body that actually send activity to your brain. Pretty neat.
Every day, while walking to class, I am usually thinking negative thoughts such as I would rather be in bed, I don't want to go to this class, can they just not, etc. But instead of negative thoughts, I tried something new. I smiled while walking across campus and it actually worked! People noticed me and they waved or said hey, which kind of made me wonder why they never said hi all of those other times. It's just a known fact, when someone smiles you want to smile and be engaged with why they are smiling. I know we all love laughing because that means happiness is in the air.
Are you stressed out? You need a good laugh. I know in college we all get overwhelmed, upset, irritated, and extremely antisocial for some occasions. But we need to forget about everything and take our mind elsewhere by laughing at something that makes us happy. So go look at funny gifs, watch your favorite show on Netflix, call your best friend or Google funny videos.
Have you ever thought about what the world would be like if everyone was always smiling? It would be a damn good place. There is so much negativity in the media or events that happen in our everyday lives that bring us down in the blink of an eye. My advice for that: screw it. If it is going to change your mood that quickly it does not need to be in your life. We need to get rid of the toxic things because that is what will help us be fully satisfied and high on life.
Say cheese -- we all know what this means. A picture is being taken and we have to put on your biggest smile. Doesn't it just feel great? So I am leaving you with this: today you need to try something new. Take a chance. Your goal: make someone you don't know smile!