This year was for sure one of the most complicated yet of my life thus far. Not only did I completely mature to the best of my ability, but I really found myself through the process. Life has a funny way of working out. I am ready to close this 12 month long door and open a new one.
Not only have I had a total of 5 roommates this past year, but I now live in a new state doing something I never thought was possible back in January. Living in Vegas has always been rough. Pretty much everyone there acts very entitled and basically judges you by the way you look, who you talk to, and what you drive. I struggled tremendously with finding a way to it in.
My friends I made, kept, and lost in 2016 really has a life-long impact. I realized who the dirty snakes were, who my best friends are, and who are the ones who truly live life each day to the best of the ability. I had friends who've hurt me so much and I am glad that I am finally walking away into a new year with new possibilities. To those who haven't and have remained by my side: Thank you. 2017 will be the best strolling in with you all by my side.
To Denver, Colorado:
You've changed my lie for the better. Who knew I would be the one as a full-time student? I am now on my way to accomplishing something so beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I will make an outstanding doctor one day and I have this state, school, and friends to thank as well. Coming back to Las Vegas is sad, to be honest. Moving to Denver was the best decision of my life.
In 2017 I will be a turning 21, will be a Junior at Colorado Sate (hopefully), and will be getting a house out in Fort Collins to further my education. This year was one wild freakin' ride, but I found myself and my happiness.