Do I Smell Playoffs For The Pirates? | The Odyssey Online
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Do I Smell Playoffs For The Pirates?

Playoffs? PLAYOFFS? Maybe not quite yet.

Do I Smell Playoffs For The Pirates?

Growing pains. That's the best way I can describe what the Bucs went through during the middle of the summer. How else can you describe the turnaround from a 9-19 record in the month of June where nothing seemed to go right to now where they find themselves in the middle of the Wild Card chase. They are doing this despite a rotation with names Cole, Nova, Vogelsong, Taillon, and Kuhl making up the rotation. Sure I would expect Gerrit Cole to be a part of this rotation and possibly Jameson Taillon, but as for the other three, I am just as surprised as the next fan.

The Pirates cleaned up nicely on their West Coast road trip by taking the finale against the Dodgers behind a huge five-run top of the first inning by the offense and cruised to a victory. They then proceeded to sweep the reeling Giants by scores of 8-5, 4-3, and 6-5. Each of those were hard fought wins.

In Ryan Vogelsong's emotional return to the Bay Area, he pitched well enough to get the win (with the help of a 4 RBI night form Gregory Polanco). On Tuesday, Taillon was solid once again--not great but not bad either--going 6 innings giving up 3 runs and most importantly gave his team a chance to win, which they did.

Behind a late Jung Ho Kang homer, the Pirates won their third in a row, as they appeared to be jelling as a team and potentially gaining some steam. They carried that momentum into the finale on Wednesday, especially their 6 run 5th inning against Matt Cain, who cruised through the first four innings without a problem.

Included in that 5th inning was a momentous 2 run home run by Andrew McCutchen, and when I saw that shot, I really felt that Cutch started to find his swing again at long last. He really has caught fire in August hitting .317/.472/.512 about halfway through the month.

If the Pirates want to keep up their winning ways in August and reach a franchise record 4th consecutive playoff appearance, then it is absolutely imperative that Andrew McCtuchen keeps up his August numbers. Also, the starters need to string together quality starts or outings where the offense can win the game for you in the middle innings because I have faith in our Melancon-less bullpen. Felipe Rivero has filled in beautifully as a solid 7th or 8th inning reliever. All of the pieces required of the Pirates to make the playoffs are there. They can do it. I believe, but the question is, "Do they?".

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