Unquestionably, cell phone is a great and useful invention. As we know that nowadays, smartphones are involved in almost everything we do. We use our smartphones during our everyday tasks. They help us in reading news, in education, business, to communicate with our dear ones, to learn and share knowledge, to do shopping and in many other tasks.
It is not exaggerating to say that our lives are revolving around our phones as we need it everywhere. We are living in such an age that if we hear that someone does not have a phone, we are shocked that how can he live without this amazing gadget.
But, apart from all the usefulness of a smartphone, there are many disadvantages too. Nothing can be without drawbacks. Anything is not evil or bad itself, it is its use that makes it bad.
If we use anything more than the limits, it will definitely become unfavourable. The case with smartphones is no different. They are becoming dangerous for human health, both physically and mentally.
Impact of Mobile Phone on Health:
Recent studies and research have proved that phones have a really negative impact on physical and mental health.
The researchers have found that the constant use of mobile phone causes changes in sleep patterns, leading to insomnia. Spending time looking at the screen has been associated with poor vision, shorter sleep duration and poor sleep efficiency.
The lack of sleep leads to even more medical problems including a high risk heart attack, stress and depression. The overuse of mobile phones can even cause neck and thumb strain.
Moreover, cell phones emit radiation. When you hold your cell phone near to your ear, the radiation from the phone penetrates two inches into your brain. In children, the penetration is even deeper. Studies have shown that cell phones parts held near the head cause brain wave changes in 70% of people.
The brain wave changes can be hazardous and can even lead to cancer
Impact on Children:
Often parents give smartphones to children to keep them busy so that they can perform their other important work. But they don't realize that it can cause extremely harmful effects on children.
It can affect the eyesight of children badly and can be hurdle-some for their natural growth and mind development. Moreover, they can accidentally go through some inappropriate content on the internet which can be disastrous for them.
Impact on Relations:
Although, smartphones can reduce the distances with your loved ones who are geographically far away from you. You can communicate with them easily through a phone at a really low cost.
But meanwhile, they can cause a distance with your near ones. As you tend to spend more time with your phone, the people in your circle get affected. It leads you to be distant from your friends and family.
I have often seen such people who do not spend quality time with their family and they are too busy with their phones.