If you chose to attend a small college, you might be familiar with everything on this list.
1. The dreaded walk "all the way across campus" takes less than 15 minutes.
Fifteen minutes too long AMIRITE?
2. You will probably wave at literally every person you pass because you know them all.
Or just awkward nod, but still.
3. If you skip class your professors will wonder where you are.
They still won't care, but they will at least notice.
4. And the next class excuse:
"I was under the weather" won't count because you'll probably pass them on your way to get a greasy sandwich for your hangover.
5. You make tons of friends freshman year because the entire "class of ___" lives in the same building.
Love thy neighbor, right?
6. Your entire university will always show up at the same places for parties.
The phrase "OMG I wasn't expecting to see you here" isn't true. You know you were.
7. The dining hall ladies are the SWEETEST and are open to requests.
"Thanks for all breakfast for dinner and chocolate chip pancakes, Ang!"
8. Campus police are your best friends and didn't bust those gatherings you threw in the dorms last semester.
9. If you're an athlete, everybody and their mom knows your business.
10. Having raging school pride is kind of awkward because your school doesn't have a football team.
"GOOOOOO uhhhhh *insert sport here*!"
11. But all in all, you love your school!
Never look down on a small college/university. It could be the best decision you have ever made. Always have an open mind, regardless of the circumstances.