Goals can be... tricky. Sometimes they make you feel inadequate when one seems too far to reach, but the moment you succeed, no matter how small, you feel a sense of accomplishment and the rest seem easy to achieve.
1. There is POWER in thinking SMALL
We go through each day reading about the war in politics, wild fires in California, floods in New Orleans... Most people become overwhelmed because how in the world are we supposed to help all of them? I've found that giving $1 or $5 to a small organization that goes right to supporting the tragic event helps more than if I did nothing. When you think about it as well, if hundreds of people put effort into donating, it's a lot of money once you add it up. The same could be said about your own life. If you're saving up for a car or some other expensive possession, putting a little bit of money into your savings each check goes such a long way over time.
2. The big goal you want to achieve is only a success through the smaller ones
Do you want to buy a nice car with all cash? Or apply to your dream college? Maybe even just get a puppy with your spouse or roommate? Well, the only way to achieve your chosen goal is to save money over time, or to educate yourself on the best way to go about things. With most things as well, is easy to want to get the first car or first dog you see because you think it's the best option, but you need to take small steps by researching and reading about the best to get.
3. Every small goal achieved feels like a win
Whether it be finally reaching $100, or buying everything you need for the thing you're working for, or actually figuring out the exact option you want... it all matters, and each win feels like one step closer. It makes it feel easy, more achievable, more enjoyable. Instead of experience the joy of finally reaching your huge goal, you feel the goal of reaching each and every one. Through personal experience, I can say it makes things much easier to complete when you work
4. The journey means more than the destination
I've said this to my friends before, but I fullheartedly believe that you learn and grow much more along the way than when you finally reach your destination. While writing an essay, you learn through research and reading. While travelling somewhere, like my friends and I will do in a few weeks, you make memories while driving towards wherever you want to go. Maybe you visit some small diner that turns out to be one of your favorite, or you develop inside jokes, or you drive through a small, unique town you and your friends won't ever forget.
5. You aren't overwhelmed by the thought of the BIG goal you've set
If you focus simply on your end goal, you'll get overwhelmed by the thought of it. You'll wonder how in the world you'll get to it when it seems so far away and almost too big to reach. With these small, less intense goals you'll get them done quicker because you know you can complete them. It helps to make an outline, to have multiple dates set for when you need something completed.
6. Through the small goals, you might learn that the destination isn't for you.
You don't want to buy a car or a puppy and realize you don't really want it when it's too late. So it's better to give yourself time. Work to the first goal or the second goal, and really thing about if you want it. Think about if you are ready to go through with saving money or buying things along the way. Give yourself time and don't rush just because you think it's something that will bring you joy when it might just give you the exact opposite.
7. Along with small goals, create mile stones.
Don't limit yourself, ever. Have those multiple, achievable goals. But also create bigger mile stones, and maybe it's a halfway point and you're able to give yourself a break for a week or so. Maybe it's that you're almost done, and you can finally relax and look back at everything you've accomplished. Let yourself celebrate the little things. Don't over stress yourself the entire time.
8. You'll grow to have more respect for the small things in life
You'll start out by respecting the smaller goals because they make you feel good, make you feel successful. It's harder to fail them, so you make more. That also ends up causing you to start seeing and enjoying the small things in life as well. Maybe you'll notice the sunset instead of thinking that its almost Monday or time to go back to school. Maybe you'll lay in bed when you wake up and think about what you're going to accomplish today instead of following your mindless morning routine.
9. You'll feel less pressure to move quickly and inefficiently
When you have time between tasks, and a future of small stepping stone instead of one huge leap, you feel less stressed about reaching what you need to reach. You are also more likely to do your research and find the best path instead of taking the first one you see. With time, you can find the quickest yet best way of achieving the goals you want to achieve. Don't ever try to rush something and put in minimal effort.
10. What's the best way to build momentum? Achieving goal after goal!
Once you achieve your first goal, you feel more confident in your next few goals. It's not a secret that in the sports world, teams have a lot more confidence when they win multiple times. If they're losing, they start to lose momentum and drive because they think they're going to lose. If you feel confident, it will easily show through your work ethic.
11. It helps you to develop the skill of belief
If you continuously succeed and achieve what you're working towards, you have a much stronger belief system. Getting through something and making your way to the end, some people don't ever think they'd be able to do it. Some are too worried to even start, but when you notice how simple it is, you start to believe far more in yourself.
Sometimes, I have a problem with skipping steps when it comes to something I want in the moment. That could especially be said when it came to getting a car for myself. I wanted the first one I saw, then I wanted the second and third. I didn't stop to think that I should wait and do my research. I wanted to be able to drive a car the very next day, and that was an impossibly stupid choice. Luckily I waited it out and now I have a car I'm happy with.
If you learn anything from this article, learn that the best things come with time.