The ties made between those who live in small towns are unbreakable .
Small town living means growing up with the same people from the time you could walk and talk until the day you toss your cap in the air at graduation, with your parents and your friends’ parents cheering you on each step along the way.
It means that your friend’s parents are your elementary school teachers, driving instructors, employers, and second parents, and because of that ever trip to the store takes three times longer than it probably needs to due to run-ins with people you are close with. It means that you know everyone, and you know everything about everyone, and everyone knows everything about you. This might seem like a sheltered life where no risks can ever really be taken, and a lot of kids get excited to branch out of their small towns because they have the opportunity to reinvent themselves, meet new people, and do new things, but every kid who leaves his or her small town will come back eventually, and when they do, they just might be proud to see what it is capable of.
A lot of unbelievably devastating things have occurred in my small town, and the surrounding ones, in recent years. Things that you would never imagine or wish upon your worst enemy have occurred within our community and each and every time I am amazed at how everyone comes together and supports those affected. Being around all the same families and neighbors forever means that some of the tightest bonds have been formed over a multitude of years, and no matter what our differences may be during other times, we all unite when our collaboration and cooperation matters most. Small town living means circulating a whole lot of love to anyone who needs it.
When the unthinkable happens in this community, people reach out. Shelter is offered to those who have lost it, meals are prepared or those who need them, money is donated to those who could greatly use it, and ceremonies commence to display how much we care about and are all truly affected by small town tragedy. People scrape up whatever they can find to support others, and kind words and prayers are offered up endlessly by just about every member of what becomes a powerful and unstoppable family. We defend each other and support each other. Whether you ever considered yourself to be someone’s “really good friend” or not, you are there for them and they are there for you.
I think there is this unspoken rule in a small town that says that no matter what happens, you will always be a part of it, and you will always be of benefit in a time of need. I have seen people gather in masses to remember those who have been lost, and to assist those who need support. I have seen some of the greatest generosity from a place with some of the smallest numbers. I have seen real people, giving real love and great spirit when all else had failed.
I am so blessed and proud to live in this tiny town full of big, beautiful hearts, and I hope it never changes.