If you ever lived in a small, everybody knows everybody town, you know the constants that are present inside the city limits. Most of the residents are either living in run down homes or in the town house developments attached to the town, and there's not really much of an in between.
There's one main road, most times generically called Main Street that runs through what is presumed to be the center of town. There's decades old graffiti on the small amount of children's equipment at the park, so much so that it's probably better to just upgrade it rather then clean it off.
The townies have been living there for years and have glass frogs in their front yards that are possibly as old as the oldest graffiti. When new people move in, they stand in line at the local pizza shop way too long for the townies who know their order because they have been getting the same things for years. At this point the menu is better to just stay the same.
This is small town culture. There's not much to do and when I was growing up, us kids would go down to the creak and catch crayfish with our hands. For those of us who lived small town culture we know that the best way to actually get your work down is to act like you aren't home at all and use a flashlight because if your neighbors know you're home, they are at your house.
Yard sales are done as a town, most people coordinating it on the same days so that there may be a better turn out. Every body doing things together. There seems to be some kind of similar culture in every small town, with all it's small-town-isms and the like.