1. Your secrets are not secrets
Because you live in such a small community, chances are there has been a time when you told someone something in confidence, only to find out your 50 year-old co worker had heard about it before you showed up to work the next day.
2. Your graduating class is your family
Since you've been going to school here since pre-k, you have known the kids in your class your entire life. Because you were so close to them, it was hard to accept the new kids that sometimes came into your class. Except for that one random kid who moved here freshman year that seemed like you grew up with them.
3. Your teachers are friends with your parents
How many times can you count walking down the hallway and waving at one of your teachers and you accidentally called them by their first name? If you are from a small town, you have done this too many times to count.
4. You are allowed to talk bad about your town, but if anyone else does you get defensive
Your general conversations with your friends are how much you hate living here and how you can't wait to leave. But if anyone outside the city limits has something bad to say about your town, they can personally pay you a visit and say it to your face.
5. You feel completely comfortable wearing some of the most ridiculous things in public
Yes I wore yellow M&M pj pants to the gas station. No, I don't care because who is going to judge me?
6. You spend way too much time at the bar
Even if you are underage, the bar is the main source of entertainment in your town. This place also supplies your favorite food and drinks, and yes by drinks I mean that ever so risky, Shirley Temple.
7. Days spent with your friends are the best days
Because, what else are you going to do?
8. It takes way too long to get to civilization
But because of that, you are really patient in car rides and you are always way too eager to go to the nearest Wal-Mart.
9. Your town is your family
No matter what happens in your life you know that your town will always be your security blanket. If one member of your town is having a hard time you know that other members in your community will be there to support you no matter what.