A Reminder To The Small Town High School Seniors | The Odyssey Online
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A Reminder To The Small Town High School Seniors

Get ready, because you are about to experience the best that has yet to come.

A Reminder To The Small Town High School Seniors

Dear Small-Town High School Seniors,

Before I get too deep, I want to say congratulations. You’ve made it to the end (of your high school career at least). Years and years of endless early morning wake-ups, late night practices, and studying in between everything has led up to these last final weeks. I know you’re more than ready for the next chapter of your life and you’ve already dreamt about what the future holds at college, trade school, or whatever else you have worked these last few years to do.

It really is an exciting time and whatever you have decided to move towards, know that everyone is proud of you for accomplishing what you have and becoming the person that you have turned in to over the years. Through all of the mayhem of graduation preparation and finals, there are a few key things that I wish I was told before I left my high school for the last time and moved to my dorm without looking back.

You will miss high school. Us small town graduates have it differently than everyone else. Whether or not you love your town and plan to move back to live there the rest of your life, or you are ready to drive as far away as possible after the final class bell rings, you will miss high school. The only way I can explain it is that small town school classes are like a family.

They’ve grown up together and know everything to almost everything about each other, and although it may eventually get old, you’ll miss it when you step foot on the big new campus knowing absolutely no one.

You’ll miss Friday night football games and cheering for the whole team by name.

You’ll miss being able to walk down the hallway and be able to name every person that you pass by first (and probably last) name.

You may think that you are ready for that big and overly populated campus, and it is a great thing to have and experience in college, but don’t forget to appreciate the benefits that come with a small high school and having those super small and close classes that spend half of the period joking around with each other while you still can.

You will miss your parents. I left to college with intentions of not seeing my parents until fall break. That changed as soon as they left and I didn’t know what to do with myself. No more pros like home cooked meals and getting babied when you are sick. You are officially an adult, on your own, making your own decisions. It is exciting and a breath of fresh air, but realize how much your parents do for you right now. Realize that they are half of the reason that you are able to graduate high school and appreciate them for the drive and support they gave you along the journey.

You will miss your old self, your old life. This is the scariest aspect of growing up, but the one that needs to happen the most. It’s ok to miss your past and reminisce on how things used to be, but you must keep moving forward. Things have changed for a reason. You have changed as a person in response to those situations. I believe that there is a reason for everything in this life and that God has put you in the place that you are for a reason, only giving you problems or despairs that He knows you are capable of handling.

So do a favor for yourself.

Make new friends.

Learn new things.

Grow with your experiences.

Go with the flow.

What’s meant to stick from your past will be forever present in your future, but if you start to drift from certain people or aspects, understand that it is just a situation of finding your true self in college.

So, seniors. Here is my send off for you into the big world beyond your small-town roots. I have been able to experience both a small high school and a large college and while college is great, I always will have a soft spot for the town that prepared for life. I hope you remember your past but move on with your future. Apply what you were taught growing up but keep your mind open to be challenged. Culture yourself to new things but keep your morals and values intact. Get ready, because you are about to experience the best that has yet to come


Small-town college freshman

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