Being a small town girl, moving to the city was a little weird.
The city is way different than the country, the highway is much crazier than the backroads, and there are way more people. I went to a school of maybe 600 students, with about 120 people in my graduating class. Now, the amount of people that were in my school overall, are just in my class.
Picking a small college made the adjustment a little easier, but it’s still a big step. In the city, everybody’s wearig their Nikes, Jordans, and Bearpaw boots, while i’m wearing my cowboy boots everyday. I alway get asked if I'm from Kentucky, Tennessee, or Texas. No, I’m just an Ohio girl, who’s country at heart.
Walking through the halls of Firestine, you hear mainly rap, hip-hop, and r&b until you hit the third floor. It’s nearly impossible to study without listening to my Kane Brown station on Pandora.
The adjustment from high school to college wasn’t the easiest, and leaving my small town was very difficult. But, college is a great experience and meeting people from all over the world is amazing. Don’t be afraid to leave your hometown to follow your dreams. Shoot for the stars and don’t let anything get in your way. Be different, show your personality with pride, and do not let anybody drag you down. Stick to your small town roots, and chase every dream you have.