1. When people ask where you're from, you tell them the closest city.
They've more than likely never heard of your town, but they recognize the towns and cities around you. You'll also more than likely get a couple confused looks.
2. It's normal to drive 20-30 minutes to get to town, a grocery store, or a restaurant.
3. You expect to meet someone you know when going out for dinner, running to the post office, or going anywhere.
4. It doesn't even bother you when you're slowed down by a tractor or horse and buggy.
5. It's Friday night and you're trying to make plans with your friends . . . y'all usually end up going to a fast food place for dinner and Wal-Mart.
6. When giving directions it usually goes like "Turn right at the golf course, make a left at the rock pile, and we're the first house on the left."
7. You've been late, along with half the town, because of a train.
8. When you see someone you know, you either wave like a crazy person, or try to avoid having a 30 minute conversation.
9. Everyone looks forward to Friday night football.
10. Last but not least, you graduated with almost everyone you went to Pre-K with.