Relationships are about give and take. Some days it's 50/50, and other days it's 80/20. Some days I just can't get it together. I fall apart. I get anxious. I get upset. I get cranky when life doesn't pan out the way I want. That's when you come in and pick up the extra slack. You never complain about doing it, either. While some days it's the opposite and I'm doing more of the work, you still manage to show unconditional love and sacrifice in every little thing you do. Here are 10 things I don't thank you enough for, but just know I appreciate it immensely.
1. Thank you for making amazing dinners
I love when you cook, and not just because I don't have to do any work, but because the meals you create are to die for. I never told you how much I appreciate when you cook, but you deserve to know.
2. Thank you for loving me through my many "bitch fits"
Read as: thank you for not escalating my bitch-fit and holding me until I forgot about what got me all frenzied in the first place.
3. Thank you for picking up the tab when I couldn't
Being between jobs and not having money steadily available for things was hard, but you never let me go without.
4. Thank you for letting me pick the movie on movie nights
I know you'd rather see Infinity War than watch A Dog's Purpose on Redbox, but you still cave and let me get a "sappy chick flick" despite how much you really don't want to sit through it.
5. Thank you for helping my family with house chores and projects
You don't have to go to any lengths to prove you're the best future son-in-law, but you make it a point to always put the garbage out on garbage days and do yard work without even being asked. And that my dear is what makes you unique.
6. Thank you for keeping me spontaneous
A day trip to New Hampshire on our day off? Let's go! Last minute decisions to watch the sunset at the beach? Perfect. Impromptu date nights at our favorite restaurant? Sold.
7. Thank you for showing me that life is more than just a paycheck
Yes, money is great, but you also remind me that not everything is about how much we have in the bank. Life is about the little moments, and you show me that every single day we're together.
8. Thank you for being honest with me
Telling the truth and being real with the person you're closest to can be tricky sometimes, especially when you don't know how they're going to react. But you always tell me things straight up, and I appreciate the honesty.
9. Thank you for all the "extras"
The extra goodnight/good morning kiss, the extra present on our anniversary, the last slice of pizza I know you really wanted, everything that you have in excess, you share with me. Thank you.
10. Thank you for always loving me
In every mood, every light, every bad outfit or hair day, in every good morning kiss that bad breath accompanies, you show me you love me no matter what. I love you just as much, sweetheart.