5 Small Things To Step Up Your Beauty Routine | The Odyssey Online
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5 Small Things To Step Up Your Beauty Routine

These small, simple things well help you look like you have your stuff together

5 Small Things To Step Up Your Beauty Routine

Finding a beauty routine is never easy. I can be quite hard-going from nothing to going all-in because it can be hard to readjust your time for these extra steps and remembering to do them, and it can get expensive when you buy all the new products at once.

Whether you are a beauty pro or a newbie and foreign to the whole beauty world, we all can agree that the small things make a difference in our lives. These five things can easily be added into your everyday life, help amp up your beauty game and make you feel like you have your crap together! And who doesn't want that?!

1. Always have your nails done.

This may sound like a daunting and time consuming task, but this really isn't all that hard. You can purchase cheap nail polish of any color if you're on a budget or pamper yourself at the nail salon with the perfect manicure for your needs. It doesn't matter if it's a natural nude or a bright color with patterns. It's about what you want. All it takes is less than an hour every few weeks for five-minute touch ups in between. You will be surprised how much confident fresh painted nails will give you. It'll put a little pep in your step and give you one more reason to remind you that you're a boss.

2. Always moisturize.

This may seem like an unnecessary step, but no matter your skin type--dry, oily, mature--your skin needs to be moisturized every day. Purchase a facial lotion that is directed for your skin type and use it anytime you cleanse your face, and always before anything else is applied. You will see immediate differences. Your skin will be plump, healthier, brighter and have a natural glow. You will see less breakouts and problem areas so you can redirect that self-consciousness out the door, because you are radiant and glowing.

3. Always bronze.

Bronzing can be so under rated, but it is a mandatory. Bronzing brings life and the natural warmth back to your face while shaping and giving dimension. Without it, with just your foundation and concealer, you can easily look washed out and even sickly. Just a little bit of bronzer to your cheeks and temples can complete change people's first impression of you. Plus, who doesn't want to channel their inner bronzed goddess, J-Lo?

4. Always have a go-to lipstick.

Each person has their own unique skin tone, undertone and then their own personal preferences. So experiment and find a go-to lip color, whether it's a nude or a vivid red. Throwing it on to make yourself look pulled together within minutes and boost your confidence.

5. Always have a necklace.

A necklace can immediately dress up any outfit. You can have on simple t-shirt and add the right necklace, and the outfit totally changes. It helps pull your outfit together and step it up.

The smallest, easiest things can help you look put together within minutes. And it will boost your confidence.

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