Growing Up In A Small Town In The South | The Odyssey Online
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Growing Up In A Small Town In The South

You know the best restaurants because there are only three good ones.

Growing Up In A Small Town In The South

Growing up in a small town has its unique perspective, especially when you’re from the south. Coming home to my small town for breaks makes me realize that it’s almost a whole different world. The motto for my hometown is “Small Town Friendly” if that gives you any insight as to how I was raised. Here are some characteristics of growing up in a small town in the south.

1. Everyone knows everyone.

The Hodges and the Hills are all related. Actually, we’re probably all related. You at least know a Davis, Honeycutt, or McDaniel. You cannot go to Walmart without seeing someone you know. Even if you didn’t go to the same school, you know who most people are. And hopefully, they don’t know who you are, because whatever reputation you had in high school will linger on afterwards because most people never leave the town.

2. Everyone is genuinely nice.

The waitresses and cashiers are the nicest people you will meet. I’m pretty sure the lady at the donut shop knows my life story.

3. You know the best restaurants because there are only three good ones.

Mi Publitos, Barley’s, and Rutherford Thai are the best options, unless you’re interested in some delicious Denny’s or Waffle House.

4. You have to drive an hour in any direction to go to the mall or the movies.

There is nowhere to walk to, no matter how small the town is. When I once asked my aunt what people do in our town, she replied, “Get pregnant and do drugs.” But really, it’s sad when the only thing to do in your town is go bowling or shop at Belk.

5. Sometimes I don’t know what people are saying because their accents are so deep.

Southern cadence is beautiful when there’s dip in the mouth of the person trying to talk to you. But really, I don’t know what half the people in my town are saying because it’s like it has its own language sometimes. Consequently, my southern accent, which I reserve for my closest friends, is multiplied when I come back to my small town.

6. Giving directions does not include roads.

Turn right at the Bojangles. When you get to the intersection, turn left. Drive for three minutes, look for the old silo, turn right, and you’ll be at my house.

7. Don’t trust those $20 a night motels.

Those are not happy places. Those are homes for the druggies. Go for the $40 a night motels, because those are way safer. If you’re lucky, you might actually have a Holiday Inn in your town.

8. Seeing a full rebel flag flying out of the back of someone’s pickup truck is normal, and lets you know who not to hang out with.

The best is when there are two rebel flags, or maybe even a U.S. flag. Because ‘Merica, that’s why.

10. You go by county -- not town -- because your town is too small for Google Images to pick up.

Some neighboring towns in my county are so small they don’t even have a mayor. I’m lookin’ at you, Sandy Mush and Henrietta. Everyone else, have fun with your geo-filters on Snapchat.

11. Be prepared to be called “honey” or “sweetie” by someone you do not know.

“Child,” “hun,” and “baby” are not derogatory nicknames for people younger than you, and they aren’t reserved for just your mother and grandmother. These nicknames denote sympathetic affection.

12. Only true southerners can do sweet tea.

Sweet tea has no lemon in it. It has love and three cups of sugar, but not lemon. So stop, pretend southerners.

No matter how much I s**t on my small town, I absolutely love coming back to it for breaks. It reminds me that no matter how fast-paced my life gets, I will always have my small town to come back to. People live simplistically in small southern towns, and that will always be a feeling of comfort.

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