Please don't do what I do and buy things to avoid your problems.
However, I will say that whoever said money can't buy you happiness was a liar. There are small things you can get to perk you up a little, lighten your spirits and brighten your day. I'm not saying spend your entire paycheck at once, that's dangerous. BUT, I am saying sometimes needing a pick-me-up is one hundred percent OK!
Please don't go all Willy Wonka and The Chocolate factory on me, but I think a small, sweet, sugary snack at times can bring you a smile. I know they have the cheap little bags of chocolate. Or maybe buy yourself some Starbursts or Skittles.
It's a great place to reflect on your day, say what you're thankful for, jot down your goals, hopes and dreams. Or maybe you just want to doodle, which is perfectly acceptable too! Either way, having a place to collect your thoughts is very crucial to your happiness. Knowing what you want and having a place to look at those goals and see if you're actively achieving them makes achieving them seem more possible.
Hair Clips/Ties/Scrunchies/Headbands
Okay, these are so cheap but having a new scrunchie to go with each of your outfits can really change your outlook on the day. It's a small accessory, some might even think unimportant. However, it can add a little pop to your outfit and that pop might be what you need to take your day from good to great. And there are so many cool, multicolored headbands now that you can really find something that will stand out.
You can always get some cool stickers to put on your notebooks/computers/water bottles/etc. They really say so much about your interests and your personality without you having to say much of anything. And they are certainly inexpensive.
Nail Polish
If you get a whole entire manicure, that's always great, but even if you can't I think that buying a new shade of nail polish and then applying it is a great way to pick up your spirits and have something to look down at and say, "I did that!" Also, people are gonna give you hella compliments and if you're into that, that's a great way to get there.
New Soap
Taking care of your hands is important. I think every so often finding a new soap scent that also makes your hands feel clean and soft will make you want to wash them even more. Besides, killing germs while smelling nice is everyone's dream, right?