Linda Belcher from Bob’s Burgers is the most relatable television character I have encountered. Along with accepting her husband and children for exactly who they are, she knows what she wants for herself and her family and she is not afraid to tell others what she is thinking. Linda’s close relationship with her family is admirable and humorous, and she always speaks her mind.
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1. “I love showers and mornings and bologna and turtles and wine!”
Linda is a delighted woman who knows who she is and what she wants, both of which are excellent qualities.
2. "Only strippers shave above the knee.”
Linda tells this to her teenage daughter, Tina, when she first learns to shave her legs. Although not entirely true, Linda’s comment frees Tina of obligation to societal norms.
3. "Tammy can go sit in syrup. Let the bees get her.”
After Tina is picked on by her bully, Tammy, Linda wants revenge. However, Linda is woman of peace, so she opts for peaceful methods.
4. "I’m so mad I could stomp!”
Linda, like all of us, gets angry from time to time. Peaceful women stomp when they get angry.
5. "I really do need deodorant.”
Linda accepts that she is not perfect and that she develops odor just like everyone else. After this statement, Linda offers her pits to her husband, Bob, so he can take a sniff for himself. Not only does she notice she is only human, but Linda is also great at sharing.
6. "Nonsense or mom-sense?”
Linda recognizes the true value of a good old-fashioned pun, as well as the value of her motherly intuition.
7. "I’ve only had half of four bottles of wine.”
This statement is a reaction to Linda’s husband, Bob, after he accuses her of being drunk. One of Linda’s most notable qualities is her adoration of wine. Luckily, Linda freely admits how much she has been drinking.
8. "No matter what I say, stop me when I’ve had sixteen.”
When the Belcher’s attend an event, Linda spots mini croissants and asks her family to help her resist the temptation that will ensue after sixteen croissants. Linda knows and acknowledges her limits and seeks the support of her family.
9. "Don’t tell me not to have a crap attack. I’ll have a crap attack any time I want.”
While Linda seeks the support of her family, she also does not want to be told what to do. Linda knows what she wants and when she wants it and she will not allow others to tell her otherwise.
10. "What a butterface.”
Linda is the queen of peaceful insults, but insults none the less.
11. "Oooh, mashed potatoes.”
Linda is a woman with good taste. Mashed potatoes are the reason for my existence, so Linda and I relate on a personal level.
12. "I was gonna punch you, but I’m holding wine.”
Linda, lover of wine, knows exactly what her priorities are.
13. "You big goof.”
Linda shows affection to her family with these simple words. The most loving people use words like goof, goober and dork to show their passion.
14. "Women do not wanna be tricked into having sex.”
Amen, Linda. Although this should be common sense, Linda makes a point that some people just do not understand.
15. "Are you drunk enough to be any fun yet?”
Linda asks her husband, Bob, after a long day. She says what is on her mind, which is part of why her family is so close. I imagine many of us have thought this at one time or another.
16. "No boys, no parties, no summoning spirits.”
These are the rules for the kids one night when Linda and Bob leave the house. Linda carries out only the most important rules for her family.
17. "The real tragedy is that I don't have time to get nachos before we start."
Once again, Linda emphasizes her priorities. Nachos before running, always.
Every time I watch Bob’s Burgers, I find myself laughing out loud at Linda’s boisterous attitude and her personality in general. Almost all of these remarks are comparable statements to what I would say, making her an especially interesting and favored character for me.