Sometimes friendships start out of no where and offer the most unpredictable outcome to them. Which is very much true however sometimes you just have to keep some things in mind to remind you of what a friend or a best friend relationship should be like.
I've only been a "college student" for the pass few weeks and even though it seems like a short among of time many issues have presented themselves to me. But I have to thank my friends for being there through the issues that have arisen since my arrival at college.
Starting with the day my parents left me and being locked out of my Snapchat account. Thank you for insuring me I already answered our streaks prior to getting locked out and texting me funny pictures you would usually send via Snapchat. For those days at first I was uncomfortable and honestly didn't want to leave my room because it was only me thanks for pushing me and reminding me to go and eat real meals or to look like I wasn't miserable. Encouraging me that things wouldn't stay like this for the next four years because eventually I would find people there like yourselves and I would feel a connection to the school. Thanks for calling me on FaceTime to make it feel like you were there when I was down or in my feelings over whatever situation. Or when you were all together you tried to incorporate so I felt like I was there too.
Than for the few of you that came to visit me so far (yes I know the summer semester is short and only six weeks and the drive is seven to eight hours each way). You made me feel happy to be able to walk around and show you the school and city which I would be spending the next four years in. And, you tested me once again by making me go out of my shell. But, I know those who haven't visited me yet still have four complete years to come and see me in my new city.
Thanks for reminding me when I got completely bent out of shape over pesky or needy nebiorges because I don't need to open the door, I'm not what anything or anyone defines me to be, or that when some situations occur sometimes they are only for the better (aka not getting housing having to find an apartment which seems to be coming with a lot of perks).
You all have reminded me that even if I'm physically not there with any of you that your all just a phone call, text, Snapchat, WhatsApp, tweet or basically anything away and maybe you can't answer at that second but you will defiantly answer. You have instilled in my brain when hard times hit I just need to calm down quietly, breath and relax and distract myself from the problem. I should only constraint on myself and not worry about things around me because 99.9 percent of the time I don't have control over the situation.
But, most importantly thank you for keeping my sane and not forgetting about me (at least not yet). I know any type of long distant relationship is hard but I feel more than confident we will be able to figure it out and maintain our friendships.
With lots of love,