Your high school graduation, your best birthday, New Year's Eve, prom...what do they all have in common? They're all memorable! They can count as some of the biggest moments in your life, and you probably have photographic evidence of each tucked away somewhere in the depths of your photo gallery.
But what about those neglected moments in life that we experience daily—moments we are all thankful for, but forget as easily as the Staples Easy button? What about those underrated memories that honestly give us that warm, happy feeling in our bellies?
Let's all take a second and appreciate the top 10 underrated feelings we experience in our lifetimes:
1. Hearing an old song you used to jam out to play in the middle of the store, bringing back all memories ever.
2. Getting into bed after a long—LONG—day.
3. Putting on fuzzy socks. Period.
4. When eating a sandwich, you get to that bite right in the middle that makes your mouth water.
5. That feeling when you put on warm clothes after a shower—there's just nothing like it.
6. Just seeing that cute dog on the street... #letdogsruletheworld.
7. Getting to that day when enough time has passed that you can wear your favorite outfit again.
8. Walking by a booth and getting offered free samples — clearly nothing else in life feels this freeing, literally and metaphorically.
9. Being complimented randomly — even when it happens in a restroom at Outback.
10. Finding that new song you know you'll be annoyed of soon, when you literally decide to slay that replay button.
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