I am a freshman this year and drive a Camry... safe to say I had to enlist the help of my parent's car to help me cart all my stuff down to college!
1. Everything is NOT going to fit.
2. No, my stuff will totally fit!
3. Crap, no it won’t. Time to rethink my packing.
4. Do I have a bunch of stuff or is my car just super small?
Probably a little of both.
5. Maybe I should have packed less.
6. Do I really *need* this Keurig?
Yes, yes I do.
7. Ohmygosh what if I can’t fit everything?!? Will I need a U-Haul?
8. OK, I repacked everything and got rid of a couple boxes, maybe it’ll work now?
10. Wait, I forgot something.
Never mind.
11. It does not all fit.
12. What am I going to do?
If you’re anything like me, at this point you are probably SUPER stressed.