I know I am certainly not the only one that is shocked when walking into the store to purchase a last-minute piece to your Halloween costume and you are over stimulated with Christmas lights with no sign of Halloween to be found anywhere. Or when you're relaxing at the beach in July and you hear a commercial ad for school outfits and supplies.
I went into a store today and there is already candy corn and packaged Halloween candy out. It is the beginning of August and bathing suit sections are already being taken down. We still have vacations to go on! School hasn't started yet. But I guess we are out of luck...
Don't get me wrong, I love holidays. I already have a countdown to Christmas. But this constant rushing in and ushering out of holiday and seasonal clothing months before the actual holiday, is unnecessary. Every year on the night of Christmas, I say how I can't believe its over. Each year it goes faster and faster and I think that's because of the build up we have created. It just boils down to the rushed society that we live in. Everything is the constant move from point A to point B, from one thing to the next. We don't take time to be present and to enjoy life in the moment, to enjoy the day.
Halloween is over… boom…onto Thanksgiving…day after, wake up at 2 am for those Black Friday sales and in comes the Christmas season. Did we stop to think about the meaning of the holiday? Or did we spend half of Thanksgiving planning out Black Friday sales. Did the meaning of Christmas get lost in the shuffle of shopping and presents and toys?
So as the summer ends and the bombardment of back to school commercials turns into Halloween and then Black Friday and Christmas, remember to stop and enjoy the time around you. No matter who you celebrate with-family and friends, or whatever holiday you celebrate, however you do it, ENJOY it.
P.S. This doesn't just apply to the 4 holidays I talked about. Keep this in mind for every single one no matter how big or small!