Today everything goes at top speed. You can send a paragraph-long message to someone in seconds. You can cross the country in a matter of hours. With the technological advances that have been made over the years, we have turned into a fast-moving society.
Just because everything else moves so fast, doesn’t mean we have to. Slow down, take a breath, enjoy your life. Truly enjoy it.
Someone very close to me opened up my eyes about how often we change. I used to think that since I’m 20 I’ve pretty much done all the growing up I’m going to do. I’m an adult now so I’m done changing. However, I learned that I’m really just starting to change and to grow. I am nowhere near done growing.
I am guilty of rushing my decisions and just wishing I could move on to the next part of my life. I wanted nothing more than to rush through high school and not enjoy any of it because I just couldn’t wait to get out of my town and move on. Looking back, I wish I would have slowed down and enjoyed high school a little more.
Now I’m finishing up my sophomore year of college, and all I want to do is be done with college now and move on to my adult life.
But what’s the rush?
If I spend my whole life wishing away every opportunity I receive, I’m never going to truly enjoy my life.
So I’m vowing to slow down. I’m accepting that in a few years I will probably be a completely different person, and that’s OK.
I’m choosing to slow down my decision-making process. I know there are so many deadlines, but take your time when making a decision. There is no way to fully determine how a decision will affect your life in the long run, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it some thought.
Don’t rush into anything. The world will not end if you decide to think about a decision for longer than a millisecond.
Enjoy the little moments in life. Enjoy dinner with your grandparents, hot coffee in the morning, lunch dates with your friends, and listening to your favorite song.
Life is composed of the little moments. So if we rush through these moments and only focus on the big moments in life, we are going to miss most of our lives and most of the really important things, for that matter.
So slow it down. Enjoy every moment.
Life is not a race, so don’t only focus on the finish line.