10 Reasons Why Sloths Are The Greatest Animals Ever
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10 Reasons Why Sloths Are The Greatest Animals Ever

Next time you are at the zoo, or find yourself in Costa Rica, I hope you admire the ways of a sloth.

10 Reasons Why Sloths Are The Greatest Animals Ever

It all started at my brother's graduation party. My sister and I were sitting in the garage, enjoying each other's company, when this boy walked in. He grabs a piece of cake and walks out. My sister turns to me and says, "Have you seen 'Ice Age?'" I replied knowingly, "Yes, you know Sid the Sloth?" We immediately burst out laughing because not only were we thinking the exact same thing (that that boy looked like the sloth from "Ice Age") but that this moment would resonate with us, mostly me, forever.

It just started with name-calling. We would giggle and call each other a "sloth." Soon to found out, I fell in love with sloths. Reminder, I am only a first year in college, and this still follows me everywhere I go, sometimes it takes a while to hit, but the inner sloth in me comes out. I have seen a sloth one time, in person, at the Dallas zoo. I wanted to cry. It was hanging off the branch, there was not a cage, so I could have easily taken it, if I was that desperate. Finally, I started using sloth, not only as noun, but a verb. I told people to stop "slothing" or being "slothy" (honestly, have no idea if that is a bad thing). I have watched "Nature: A Sloth Named Velcro" a documentary on Netflix, more than once. I have researched endlessly the closest zoo or sloth sanctuary near me, just to be able to see one. I have downloaded pictures, sent cute memes, changed my parents' contact names to "Mama and Papa Sloth" with cute pictures of sloths when they call me. I guess you are starting to get the point that I love sloths. I am not crazy, just passionate (I say this to make myself feel better).

1. Sloths are cute. They are majestic.

This picture is of Velcro (from the documentary) and his human mother, Ana. Velcro clung to her, learning how to climb in his younger years, before being released back in the wild.

2. They move as if they were a primate.

They have a digestive tract like a cow. Their body temperature is close to a reptile. They are a cross between an anteater and a armadillo, but they can be mistaken to belong in the monkey family, the slower parts of it.

3. They sleep a lot.

You might hear that they sleep a lot, which is true, but recently studies have shown that they average only 10 hours a day, compared to up to 20 hours. Lazy bums.

4. Sloths have algae that grow on their fur.

The algae that grows on a sloth's back is helpful a) because it camouflages them from predators b) it is also an environment for bugs, like moths and beetles. Since a sloth only defecates once a week, when they make their way down to the forest floor, moths can sometimes reproduce using a sloth's dung. A sloth is literally a slow moving ecosystem.

5. Sloths eat leaves in the forest, which can be considered junk food.

Their algae also can be helpful since it provides nutrients that are not found in their regular diet.

6. There are two-toed and three-toed types of sloths.

I consider myself part of the three-toed family, for no apparent reason (this is an irrelevant comment).

7. Sloths are the only mammals that can turn their head's all the way around like an owl. Isn't that a hoot?

8. In Panama, they have a "Sloth Crossing" patrol team that rides the local highways for sloth crossings.

This is a dream job for me. Many of the sloths are forced to evacuate because of human intervention in their home's. This is not really a reason why sloths are the best, but more of an act of awareness for these animals.

9. Sloths are affiliated with very popular movies.

For example, Katniss Everdeen pledges to the sloths in the "Hunger Games" movies.

Even recently, sloths are seen working at the DMV (an appropriate job) in the movie "Zootopia."

10. Lastly, enough with the facts, sloths are interesting and unique animals.

There is still a lot to be learned about the sloths, but what we know already is pretty fascinating.

Full disclosure, I am not an expert. I know most of these facts by heart, but I referenced some other sources too.

In closing, I just wanted to have some fun with this week's article. I am a little obsessed, but to justify for myself, I do not really care what you think. I hope that next time you are at the zoo, or find yourself in Costa Rica, you admire the ways of a sloth.

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