Slight Win In Kentucky For Clinton | The Odyssey Online
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Slight Win In Kentucky For Clinton

Is Sanders giving his supporters false hope?

Slight Win In Kentucky For Clinton

Coming into the last week’s contests in Kentucky and Oregon, Hillary Clinton repeatedly received losses to Bernie Sanders in primary polls during the month of May. The results in Kentucky show Clinton winning with 212,550 votes. Senator Sanders on the other hand narrowly lost to the Former Secretary of State with 210,626 votes. The gap between the two being 1,924 votes, which in the grand scheme of things seems like a small margin. The winner was announced by, current Kentucky Secretary of State, Alison Lundergan Grimes (herself, a Clinton Supporter).

Later that night, Senator Sanders pulled in another victory in the western state of Oregon. The victory was announced within 20 minutes of the polls closing, due to the system of voting in Oregon. The system being that voters mailed in their choice in the span of a month. In most cases, a narrow lose and a victory against the current front runner would seem like a good night. However, the victory in Oregon was not at the level that Senator Sanders needs in order to catch Secretary Clinton.

According to, CNN Anchor and Chief National Correspondent, John King using the “magic delegate wall”, Senator Sanders needed 67 percent of the remaining delegates in order to catch Secretary Clinton before last week’s contests. Currently, that number has grew to 70 percent. What does this spell out for Sanders supporters? It leaves them with a decision to make. Do they continuously hold on until the very last ballot is casted like Senator Sanders has called for or do they begin to see the writing on the walls and prepare for the general election?

Through self-observation, there is a clear divide between Sanders supporters. Personally, this reporter has spoken to many representatives and received mixed signals. I have received answers of anger, acceptance and rebellion. The anger coming from supporters who believe that the system is rigged and Senator Sanders was not fairly treated. (Note: The Nevada incident last week)

Other supporters have accepted that Clinton has bested Sanders and although Sanders is their preference can see hope with Clinton. Also with the acceptance, was a call from this Sanders supporter to eliminate the mentality of “Bernie or Bust”. The supporter called the actions of other supporters to be ridiculous and unnecessary. He also pushed for the party to become united as one to take on the larger threat of Donald Trump. He states. “If our party cannot become united, then we will have a republican president with no experience whatsoever.”

The final group of supporters are in a state of rebellion. Posting statuses with the hashtag Bernie or Bust or stating that they will either write him in or not vote, thus lowing the number of Democrats to fight against Trump and his continuously growing followers. This reporter urges the supporters who are wanting to divide the party to look at history. What is the best way to win? Divide and Conquer.

We as a nation, who on a daily basis continue to become more and more progressive, cannot allow for the progress of President Obama and his administration to be completely eradicated by the reckless action of the presumptive republican nominee. Our nation will regress into the past. Rights that now exist will be taken away. The minimum wage will no longer increase. Corporations will continue to receive tax cuts. Excessive military spending will exist, which wastes our money. If you want better healthcare, do not look at the republicans to make that happen.

The point of this being that we as a nation need to stand united. You should not be targeted because of your race, gender, sexuality, religion, or any other aspect that makes a person diverse. Stand up and join the millions who have already taken a stand against Donald Trump and joined Hillary.

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