There are have been many times throughout your college career where you've get scared at night, maybe even during the day, for your safety. Maybe you heard a story about someone, watched a scary movie recently, received an alarming text from Purdue, or heard a creepy noise. Lately, with all the things going on, I find it hard to sleep at night because I keep thinking too much. These are my thoughts when something scary happens before I attempt to sleep (and yes, some of these are direct texts I've sent to my friends):
“Maybe if I pull my blankets over my head, nothing will happen to me."
“Did I lock the door?"
“I am so comfy in my bed, but what if I don't check to see if it's locked and then something happens."
“I just got out of bed and the door was already locked, ugh."
“What is that noise? Is that someone trying to break in the window?"
“Omg, they're coming for me"
“I have to pee because I'm scared."
“No way am I leaving his locked room, I'll have to hold it."
“I think today is the day."
“OK, maybe I can sleep now if I just shut my eyes."
“Nope, thinking of more extreme possible situations that could happen to me"
“I wonder if anyone else is up freaking out too?"
“What would I do if someone came in here? Maybe I could be nice and say hi and everything would be fine."
“Maybe I should have slept with my computer so no one can steal it."
“What if I wake up to someone in here?"
“Alright Katie, it's 3 a.m., you need sleep"
“Nothing is going to happen… at least tonight, but probably tomorrow."