No matter how good (or bad) you'd describe your health, one thing is for sure: a little boost is ALWAYS a good idea. Whether that's reading a new, motivating book, or listening to a song that speaks to your soul, there are plenty of resources to help your health thrive on any given day.
Every morning, when I walk out of my bedroom, I am greeted with a "good morning, how'd you sleep?" by my roommate. This has been the case for as long as I can remember, though the person asking the question has changed multiple times. Unfortunately, like 27 percent of Americans, my answer is often "not great." Thankfully, there are plenty of people who have studied this problem and have tips, tricks, and answers for me and my fellow sleep-deprived friends.
Each week, we're bringing you the best resources and influencers to give you a health boost. Here's what we're following this week regarding good sleeping habits.
Book: "The Nocturnal Journal"
Before you magically start sleeping wonderfully, you need to find out WHY you're sleeping poorly. Is something on your mind? Are you anxious? Did you eat too much popcorn during your late-night viewing of "Avengers: End Game?" Lee Crutchley gives you a place to figure all this out in "The Nocturnal Journal."
Podcast: "Busy To Balanced"
Jamie Zwier shares all her tips and tricks regarding good sleeping habits, from when to start winding down to meditative breathing routines. Even when you're sure you've thought of everything, she's ready to give you a new idea that may just be your answer.
Instagram influencer: Milette Riis
Milette Riis is a London-based blogger who, you guessed it, has a hard time getting a good night's sleep. In between her beauty and lifestyle content, she'll sprinkle wellness ideas, advice, and relatable personal stories.
Twitter account: Janet K. Kennedy
Janet Kennedy is a clinical psychologist and sleep consultant. You'll find all sorts of helpful advice, facts, and extra resources for a good night's sleep on her Twitter page.
YouTuber: Keep Up With Liv
Liv is a wellness blogger who specializes in healthy recipes and living your best life. This, of course, includes fixing your sleeping habits. She has 10 sleep hacks that she swears will turn your night around.
Playlist: Sleepy Piano
If sleeping with music is your thing, try incorporating this soothing piano playlist.
BONUS: Silk pillowcase
Cotton pillowcases are super absorbent, collecting dirt and oil from your skin. Silk pillowcases are great not only for your skin but they regulate heat, keeping your skin cooler. This should, in turn, improve your sleep!
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