Sleep: a word unknown to many college students. Between internships, research papers to write, exams to study for, social time, and the many other obligations we all have on a daily basis, sleep seems to get brushed off to the side. I personally turn into a MONSTER when I don't get enough sleep. And I'm talking like 8+ hours a night of sleep.
Yes, I know what you're thinking. How does she get that much sleep each night and still get all of her work done? Honestly, I myself am not sure how I do it. But I do know that unless I have something extremely pressing to do, I will start getting tired between 11pm and midnight. And I take advantage of it and go through my nighttime routine and
But make no mistake: when my alarm goes off at 8:20 (on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or 7:20 (on Tuesday, Thursday) there is no Disney princess wakeup scene with chirping birds and singing animals. I'm still tired until I get moving. I hit snooze. I am not a perfect person.
But allow me to let you in on a secret: I spend every waking moment, including my hour between classes, doing homework and studying. Yes, the secret to getting to bed at a decent time (on any normal weeknight) is using your time wisely. And that's not to say that I don't watch a couple episodes on Netflix every now and then, or take naps - because I definitely do both. Just when I have time.
Thus far in my college career, I've never pulled an all-nighter, and I certainly don't plan on it. I will do everything in my power - start studying two weeks before, study every minute outside of class and meal time, wake up early - if it means I can be in bed by/around midnight. Because that's when my brain retires for the night.