Ladies and Gents,
If you're like me you might be finding yourself spending yet another Valentine's Day alone. However, DON'T WORRY. We're young, we're hot, we're fun, and someday some loser is finally going to realize it! So, instead of sulking, watching "The Notebook" and crying into a bowl of ice cream about how you'll never find love - change the 'tude and learn how to SLAY YOUR DAY.
Step 1: Wake up and tell yourself you're a boss @$$ b*tch that don't need no man (or woman).
Today's your day. Screw the couples, the crushes, and the supposed "in love"... you're going to ROCK IT.
Step 2: Get a killer workout done early in the morning.
Nothing makes me feel like I could take on the world more than when I have a really great workout. Start your day off positive.
Step 3: Dress up for yourself.
Whether you want to rock some tight leather pants or you just want to go out in yoga pants and a tee; wear what makes YOU feel confident. Do your hair, makeup, and whatever else for yourself. No one else.
Step 4: Call up your friends and do something adventurous.
Call up your other single friends and plan something awesome for the day. Go shopping, go to dinner, go on a mini road trip, go egg your ex's house... do something crazy! No one should spend the day alone.
Step 5: DO NOT contact any past flings/hook ups/exes.
Under no circumstance should you be sending that "hey what are you up to today?" text. I don't care if all your friends are busy, do not revert back to your past simply because you're lonely.
Step 6: If your friends are all busy do something you love.
Step 7: Send love someone else's way.
It might be as simple as smiling and saying hello to a stranger, calling up a family member you haven't talked to in awhile, hugging a good friend, or paying for someone's Starbucks. You never know what little acts of kindness can make a difference. Be the good in someone's day.
Step 8: Cook a bomb dinner.
Again, whether it's for your or a group of friends take the time to cook your favorite meal. You could even make it fun and let everyone bring a dish of their own — who doesn't love an overabundant amount of food?!
Step 9: Go out and dance your butt off.
Go out for a few drinks with your friends and dance the night away. Sing at the top of your lungs because who do you have no impress? Answer: No one but yourself.