Growing up, I was a bit different from my peers. I ate different – and strange – food, didn't understand some kids' obsessions with some things and I could speak Russian and English interchangeably. Whether you're Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian or some other kind of Slavic, you probably understand me completely.
1. "Where from Russia are you from?"
Just because I speak Russian, doesn't mean I'm from Russia. I could've been born in a different country or even in the good ol' USA.
2. Babushka always had delicious food waiting for you after school to eat.
Blinchiki? Borscht? Thank you Babu!
3. If nagging and stubbornness were Olympic sports, your family would win every gold medal.
4. "Say something in Russian for me."
When you say that, all the Russian I know escapes my mind.
5. For movie night with the family, you ate sunflower seeds instead of popcorn.
6. When staying for a few minutes to have tea at Mama's friend's house turns into an entire evening.
"Mama, when are we going to go home?"
7. Having to explain to your non-Slavic friends why you also get presents on Novy God (New Year's).
8. Realizing that bread with butter and caviar is not a normal breakfast.
9. You have dozens of aunts, uncles, and cousins that you probably haven't even met before.
Who are these people?
10. Mama always insists that you bring a jacket with you, even when it's warm outside.
The one time you don't bring a jacket is the time that you regret not bringing one.
11. Having to explain what kholodets (meat jello) and a lot of other bizarre foods are to non-Slavic friends.
"Try it! You'll like it!"- Me trying to convince my reluctant friends to try the food
12. Mama always made you wear tapochki inside or else you will get sick from being barefoot.
13. Salads tend to contain more mayo than vegetables.
14. "Nu Pogodi" was, and still is, the best cartoon to watch.
Yes, it's like the Slavic version of "Tom and Jerry".
15. Sour cream is a staple in the household.
Without sour cream, you can't eat anything.
16. The first day of school was dreadful because your teacher never got your name right.
The struggle is real.
17. "How are you cold? You're Russian!"
I'm used to the climate here, not to the kind in Russia.
18, You always wanted a Cheburashka.
I have three of them.
19. Having to sit down for an awkward moment of silence before going to catch your flight.
I don't know why we do this, honestly.
20. God forbid you show up at someone's house without a gift.
You were taught Russian hospitality and it's rude to not bring some sort of gift to a friend's house.