A Thank You Letter To Teachers And Faculty | The Odyssey Online
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To All Teachers And Faculty at UCF, Thank You For Going Above And Beyond For Us

Here's to the cheerleaders behind every student's success.

To All Teachers And Faculty at UCF, Thank You For Going Above And Beyond For Us

I've always been a huge book nerd growing up. I remember how excited I was when my mother took me to the public library and I would pick colorful books off the shelves like candy. I would check out more books than I could possibly read in a week, much less carry out of the building.

My love of books, in part, stemmed from the adults I was fortunate enough to have in my life. My school librarian was a graceful and compassionate woman. She was tall and mousy and wore her half-moon glasses on her slim, narrow nose with a beaded chain--the paragon of librarians. We'all call her Ms. Parrish.

This remarkable woman went above and beyond her tasks and responsibilities as an elementary school faculty member. She saw how much I enjoyed reading and would recommend books to me, share stories, and tell me about events being held in the area that I might be interested in.

I have come to reflect on the most endearing thing Ms. Parrish ever did for me and that was animating Skoob the Shelf Elf. The Shelf Elf is a Scholastic book that teaches young elementary students about library etiquette through the adventures of Skoob. Ms. Parrish would read the book to young students along with the little plush elf that came with the book. The book also included a small paper "elf house" that Skoob lived in and she paced it on one of the bookshelves.

Ms. Parrish used to write notes to the students, and myself, as Skoob. She would take the broken tip of a pencil and carefully write as small as possible on slips of paper and leave them for us to find outside of the elf house. We would write Skoob back and ask him questions and constantly go running over to the elf house to see if he had responded. I can't imagine the amount of dedication this woman must have had to create this little piece of magic for us.

This article is in praise and gratitude for all of the Ms. Parrishes out there. I have seen faculty members, across all levels of education, go above and beyond for their students. From teachers, advisors, librarians, coordinators, and more--these altruistic individuals are the reason for every student's success. As a student, please believe we would get nowhere without you. The hard work you put in for us allows us to go on and do incredible things. The encouragement and support that you give your students will stay with us for years and will launch us into greatness. Especially at the University of Central Florida, the caring and compassionate people who make up UCF's faculty are all heroes in my eyes.

The hours and dedication that you put in have not gone unappreciated. Even on your most unrewarding days, please know that from the bottom of our hearts we are thankful for you. From lesson plans, letters of recommendation, program planning, and everything in between - your work creates opportunities for the youth of today's generation. You are creating a better future through all of your work and the positive interactions you have with your students.

So if no one has told you recently, thank you for all that you do!


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