New Year, new me. Almost everyone you talk to starts a New Year’s Resolution that they determine they will finish. Those resolutions range from becoming a new person to losing the weight you always wanted. We all hear the want to lose weight resolution over all of it. This could be a really good thing if that is ultimately what would make the person happy and healthy! But this also can cause unhealthy habits.
Look at the fad diets that you see on TV and the internet, those give you a short fix on habits that you took years to make. These range from 21-day fixes to completely giving you an ultimatum on making two protein drinks your new meals. Does that sound healthy to you? Two protein drinks each ranging in about 200 calories along with a strict third meal no greater that 300 calories a day. That is an intake of only 700 calories a day! On top of that, those companies want you to workout for at least an hour a day. Yeah, you will lose weight fast BECAUSE YOU ARE STARVING YOURSELF!!!! You will get the weight loss you desire but ultimately it will cause you to want to do it more and more. Or it will make you reverse and gain all that weight back and then some because your body will go into starvation mode. This type of weight loss is unhealthy, unnatural, and it is inhumane.
Do not look at the fad diets, instead, make a healthy decision to get healthy and not lose weight. That want of losing weight is a monster in every human’s head because society is telling us that we need to weigh a certain amount, not be healthy. I promise you that if you change your eating habits to eating more fruits and vegetables with protein and not consume alcohol, processed, or fried foods you will change the way you feel inside and it will start a new healthy habit. Your abs are made in the kitchen and not just at the gym. There needs to be a healthy input and output, not just a complete output. If there was just an output, you kill yourself of starvation.
Do not let society tell you that you need to be skinny, tell society you need to be healthy.