"Why don't you eat?"
"Are you trying to lose weight?"
"Do you have a problem that you need to talk about?"
"Why are you so thin?"
"Go eat a doughnut."
Have you ever heard any of those phrases or something like it? Have you ever been told one of these things? Have you said something like this to someone else?
Each of those questions have been addressed towards me at some point in my life, in some way.
As someone who has been thin my whole life, I have struggled with the fact that I have gained weight since attending college. I know that it is natural to gain weight in school, but it doesn't mean I want to. I do not always like the way I look and while I know I'm not overweight, sometimes I feel uncomfortable in the clothes I used to love or clothes that are trending at the moment because I don't feel good about myself.
Skinny shaming needs to stop. I cannot tell you how many times someone has told me to eat more because they think that I'm too thin. I believe that making someone believe they are too skinny is just as bad as telling someone that they are overweight. It can be just as hurtful; honestly, it makes me very uncomfortable when someone tells me that I need to gain weight.
Another assumption that is blown out of proportion is the fact that because I do not eat certain foods, some think that I have a larger problem. The fact is, I'm a picky eater -- I can thank some of my weight based on the fact that I don't like certain foods. However, do not doubt me -- I can eat way more than most people and usually will not feel bad about it. I like what I like and I know what I don't want to put into my body.
I believe that skinny shaming is something that needs to be addressed because not everyone knows how this makes others feel. I have been in multiple situations just during this summer that have caused me to question my weight and wonder why some individuals comment on my body size and eating habits. I do not need the added pressure to go eat at a fast food restaurant because I packed a 'light' lunch. I do not have to clear my plate if I am full. I do not need to gain weight because I am at a healthy size for my height and body structure. I do not need to eat more to please anyone.
This subject has been on my mind for a while now and I have finally decided to publicize it. Skinny shaming is judging someone based on their size and something that I do not appreciate. Yes, I may be thin, but that doesn't mean that I struggle any less with the way I look than the next person. What I know that some people don't understand is that skinny people have confidence issues too. Some of us want to be thicker, some want to be a little more toned. We are all people who think that our bodies will never be perfectly the way we want them to be, especially when dealing with our size. I don't need someone to tell me to eat more when I am trying to look and eat better for myself.
If you don't understand some of the things that I am talking about, then go on Google and look up "skinny shaming." It will show you some of the hurtful things that people say about skinny people.
Guess what? We have feelings too.