The topic of skinny-shaming has turned into a hot debate topic. Some say that it does not exist, while others claim that they fall victim to it often. I am here to tell you that it does exist; I have experienced it firsthand, and it is just as brutal as people say it is.
Let me establish that I am healthy for my height and weight. I should not even need to explain myself, but I could see how others could be acting out of concern. Now that that is out of the way, there is no reason for anyone to comment on someone else's weight. Keep those opinions to yourself. You have no idea what someone's opinion of their own body is. You could be adding to a very negative idea of someone's self-perception or you could be bringing down an already body positive perspective.
Please do not tell me to "put meat on my bones" or to "eat a cheeseburger." These are comments that I have gotten in the past by people who are close to me. I laugh it off usually, but these words are extremely hurtful and make me feel self-conscious about myself and my body. I'm not here for any of it. Just like how it's wrong for me to tell someone to lose weight, it's wrong for you to tell me to gain weight.
You have no right to tell me to eat more. I am in tune with my body's hunger cues. I understand when I am hungry and when I am full. Just because I do not eat as much as my friend when we go out to eat, does not mean that I am purposely cutting my diet short. I have met with a dietician before, and have gone over the ideal amount of nutrients that I should be getting. Please, just let me eat in peace. And if I don't want to eat, then mind your own business.
I have made it pretty clear that I do not have a perfect view of my own body. I do not think anyone thinks of their body as perfect, which is a shame. However, just because I am skinny does not mean that I cannot voice these concerns or strive to make my body more toned. Working out is not just for losing weight. It keeps your body, and especially your heart, healthy. Granted, I barely workout, which is something about myself that I am trying to change. Even though this is the case, I am tired of people comparing skinny to being in shape. The two are far from synonymous. I am not in shape at all!
If you are someone who likes to put in their two cents when it comes to the weight of your loved one, please do not. Weight is a very sensitive topic. Yes, even for us skinny folk. So, again, please keep the skinny-shaming thoughts and phrases inside your own head. Do not speak about it unless it is your own body or it becomes an issue of a health concern. Even then, tread carefully. You never know how your comments can influence someone's perception of themselves.