5. Invest in a humidifier | The Odyssey Online
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How To Keep Your Skin Glowing During These Harsh Winter Months

Look your best, feel your best! Here are 5 simple ways to improve your skin health in the winter.

How To Keep Your Skin Glowing During These Harsh Winter Months

It doesn't take an expert to realize that during these bitter winter months, skin tends to wring itself dry. WHY ME?! Yes, it is so frustrating. Trust me, I know. My skin would receive a 10 from Simon Cowell in the summer months, but tends to be on the extremely dry side of the spectrum in the winter *sigh.* It's taken me several Michigan winters to find a good solution, so I'll share my secret with you! If you're finding yourself relating so far, it's time for you and your skin to fight back! Here's how to stop winter from stripping your lux skin of all things moisture.

1. Water/H20/Agua... oh, and more water

To fix any problem, it's important to start from the root cause. Do not try to help your skin using only external sources, such as face masks and lotion. Drinking water aids in removing toxins from your body, which helps to clear up your skin. Our skin is an organ, and when exposed to the dry environment that winter is, our cells crave hydration. This is the science behind the madness, and you can read more about it here.

When it comes to my personal observations, I've noticed my water intake is lower in the winter months because I am no longer exposed to the hot sun where I sweat in 0.2 seconds after stepping outside. Generally, it is easy to get out of the habit of drinking as much water when we don't feel a need for it. The hunch is this though... your skin is still craving water. So hey! Let's drink up as if we were sweating in the sun.

2. Stuff your face... with HEALTHY fats

Eat Pretty, by Jolene Hart is the mother of "all-things-health" books, which I am a total junky for. In her chapter dedicated specifically to maintaining health in the winter, Hart mentions how foods high in healthy fats provide your skin with a barrier of moisture. Again, it is important to hydrate from the inside, out. Foods such as walnuts, salmon, and avocado will gift your skin with the extra moisture it begs for.

3. Use a supplementary moisturizer and/or toner

The key to helping dry skin is moisturizing with the correct products for your skin type. Given that your skin becomes dry in the winter, it is important to supplement your skin care routine with products that give you an extra boost of moisture. Toners with essential oils and glycerin can help dry skin. Steer clear of toners that include alcohol-- these will only further dry your skin! Dermstore has a complete list of toners that will give your skin what it needs.

Our skin requires extra attention in these harsh months, so it is important to realize that your summer cleansing routine will not suffice for winter. Add in a moisturizer, such as Neutrogena's Hydrogel . I began using this as the air dried out and my skin has never looked or felt better.

4. Stop burning your skin off in the shower... yeah, YOU!

We all love a hot, steamy shower to decompress from holiday stress or thaw from the frozen outdoors. It's pretty normal to turn that shower knob up a little extra in the winter. But did you do that in the summer? I didn't think so. Hot showers strip your skin of hydration, so try to resist the urge to fog up the mirrors next time. Your skin will thank you!

5. Invest in a humidifier

Add some moisture in the air! Create a moisturized environment for yourself to live in, and you might just trick your skin into thinking it's summer. The external source of moisture paired with internal changes, such as a higher water in-take and a diet that includes healthy fats, will help your skin retain moisture.

Now, this isn't a cure to dry skin. However, based on personal experience and a little scientific research, your skin could benefit from these solutions. It's time to shimmer, glow, and shine again!

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