When I woke up, all I remembered was an intense aching pain rushing through my body. I opened my eyes slowly to see my body covered in my ever so familiar orange comforter. I smiled, and attempted to stretch the aching pain away. Unfortunately, it only pulled my muscles even tighter. I winced in pain and moved to get up out of bed. I wondered what time it was. Maybe I had slept the whole day through. That’s when I remembered that it was probably a school day and I was probably late for school. I immediately rushed to get dressed. As I was pulling on a shirt, I noticed some strange marks on my wrists and a small almost puncture wound looking mark on my elbow crease. Almost as though someone had stabbed me. I tapped at it gently, and it sent a shock of dull pain through my arm. I shrugged. Maybe I’d gotten it in my sleep; it wouldn’t be the first time I’d hurt myself accidentally without realizing it.
I ran down the stairs and saw my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table. They both smiled at me.
Good morning honey. We have some wonderful news. My mother said, almost beaming. My father nodded in agreement.
We’ve decided that we want to move somewhere completely new. Somewhere with a bigger office so your mom can work on her studies. You remember how she has been trying to break into the science scene right?
I nodded my head. I remembered vaguely her telling me something about it, but that was a long time ago. I paused to process what they had said. I figured it would be okay since I hardly had any friends at school anyway. And a change in scenery would be nice. I smiled in agreement and motioned for my dad to get in the car. I had this vague memory that my car wasn’t working today, and I needed a ride to school that day.
I had a feeling it was going to be a good day.
As soon as Russell and his father had left the room, all that was left was the silence surrounding his mother as she sat at the table. She chucked very quietly to herself.
Well, she said aloud to the emptiness. Clearly the medical amnesia worked a little better this time. Now that neither Russell nor his father remembers anything about what happened, I can continue my studies without a hitch. I wonder when Russell will notice that he’s been injected with foreign antibodies from different animals. Hmm. Maybe he’ll never notice. Hopefully this time the side effects will be better than last time.
She pushed herself up on the table to stand up and moved from the kitchen table to the sink. From the window, she could see Russell climbing into the car.
I have big plans for you.