The scream that had escaped from my body almost sounded inhuman. Millions of feelings, thoughts and emotions rushed through my head.
Then everything went black.
When I opened my eyes next, I was confronted by the image of my mother staring at me. I tried to move my arm up reflexively, but found I couldn’t move it. I glanced down and noticed that both my arms were tied down with leather straps. When I tried to move my legs, I realized that they were tied down as well.
What is going on mom? What’s happening??
She began to pace back and forth in front of me. She had an eerie smile stretched across her face. It almost looked like it wasn’t the mother that I knew.
You have seen too much. I always thought that you would be smart enough to keep your nose out of other people’s business, but alas. I was wrong.
She shook her head and turned to look at me. I began to thrash violently against my restraints.
Tell me what’s going on! I have been here too long freaking out because you have been acting like a total weirdo! I want answers!
She stopped dead in her tracks.
Have you ever heard of medical amnesia? It allows someone to remove very specific memories from a mind. And it is glorious. It helps so much.
She wrung her hands and began to pace again. She continued.
You know, you used to have a twin.
Suddenly, my brain began to hurt and images flashed through my mind. I remembered. Images flashed through my mind of growing up with my brother. We had looked almost exactly alike and people were always mixing us up. Jared.
What did you do to Jared?
She began to cackle.
Ah, so I see the memory recollection process that I also made sure to follow works! That’s wonderful news. Anyway, what did I do to Jared? Well, you see, I needed a subject for my experiments. I have so many plans and so many dreams for the breakthroughs I can make scientifically. I can change humankind! I just needed a human to test on. So, I wiped all memory you and your father had of Jared and he became my test subject.
I could feel the blood boiling up in my face.
How could you do that to your own son? I shouted so angrily at her that spit began to fly. I thrashed around even harder, feeling the leather begin to dig into my already tender skin.
Oh, he was my son, you both are, but I see you as so much more. I see you as potential. You can help me become successful, and that’s what’s more important. Your father unfortunately had a different idea about you two, so naturally I knew that was going to be a problem. I had to leave him eventually, I don’t know why I stuck around for so long.
I was tired of hearing what she had to say.
Stop wasting my time, it’s already clear you’re insane. What do you want with me now?
That wicked grin of hers returned.
Well, since Jared died as an unfortunate side effect of one of my experiments, you’ll be my new test subject.