When I had left my house to go see my dad, I thought that’s where I would stay for a while. I thought I needed some time away, and needed to recollect myself before I faced her and her insanity again. But as soon as he said that, suddenly images began to flash through my mind. I realized I had never even given the third door a second thought. I guess since I had focused so heavily on the room that my mom always disappeared into, I had never even thought about the fact that there was a third room down there. After my dad reminded me about the third room, I immediately jumped up. I had to go back.
Russell, wait. My dad’s forehead creased deeply. I’m worried about you.
I turned away from him for a second before saying,
I have to, Dad. I have to know what’s going on in that house, I have to know what’s going on with Mom. It’s going to be burning in the back of my brain the entire time that I’m here. I can’t focus. I need to know.
As the words came out of my mouth, I realized just how obsessed I sound. I worried for a second that I was taking it too far, that I was becoming crazy. I quickly shook those thoughts out of my brain and proceeded towards the door.
I had to know.
Walking home, I could feel the biting chill on every part of my body. My senses seemed to be so heightened, and my body was clearly on high alert. It wasn’t freezing outside, but I still felt chills running down my spine. I had a feeling that didn’t have to do with the weather.
As I rounded the corner and the house we had been staying in came into view, I could feel my heart accelerating. I was scared of what I was about to find out. I knew that everything was about to change, and I was worried that nothing would ever be able to be the same.
I walked confidently up to the door and opened it up. The lights were all off except for the light trickling out from underneath the closed door that belonged to my mom. I walked through the hallway and it seemed as though the hallway itself was endless. It seemed to keep going on forever, as if my body didn’t actually want to reach the door at the end of the hall.
But then I did.
I was standing in front of it and I could feel every inch of my body tingling. I wanted to open the door, but I didn’t want to open it. I inhaled and thought
Let’s just open it like a band-aid.
I took a deep breath, opened the door and immediately started coughing. The smell that emerged from the room was so horrible, that I almost keeled over in disgust. I felt along the wall for the light switch until my fingers made contact. I switched it on, and nearly screamed by what I saw.
I saw a body.
It was me.