When you're at college, there are a few different types of transportation for getting from class to class. Some people use bikes, scooters, skateboard, or their own two feet. Personally, I prefer skateboards and they come with great perks, but they're not always the best option. Here are the pros and cons for skateboards on campus.
Pro: They're small and easy to carry.
Most skateboards aren't too big, unless we're talking about longboards. Longboards can be pretty heavy and cumbersome, but they still get the job done and are the easiest to ride. Standard decks, cruisers, pennies are all relatively small, smaller than most bikes. These boards are lighter and easier to carry with you for areas in which you can't skate.
Con: Security sucks.
It's virtually impossible to lock up your skateboard, which you have to carry the thing with you into class keep an eye on it. Making matters worse, there's a chance that you might be that unlucky person who gets his or her board knocked over and have it fall down every step to the first row of the lecture hall. Bikes can be locked up no problem, but skateboards can't be.
Pro: Easy learning and fun tricks too.
Skateboards are pretty easy to learn. Pretty much the only real challenge for learning to skate is balance. Once you get balance down, everything else is pretty simple and can be learned relatively fast from just skating. Kicking and stopping is pretty simple, just kick off the ground really, and drag your foot to slow to a stop. That easy. Now onto tricks. Honestly, if you just want to skate to get to class faster, the only trick you need to know is an ollie. But if you want to be adventurous and challenge yourself, you could practice heelflips and treyflips, or any other trick you want to get down.
Con: Tearing up shoes.
If you get a skateboard with griptape on it, there's a good chance that your shoes will get damaged in some way. If you do tricks, then you will definitely tear up your shoes after some time. Even if you don't do tricks, the bottom of your shoes will start to deteriorate.
Pro: Cheaper things are nice.
Skateboards generally are cheaper than bikes. Like, way cheaper. Plus, when you buy a bike, you usually have spend extra money for a lock too. Saving money on buying a skateboard means that extra money that would've helped pay for a bike can now be used for other things.