Ah, New Year's, AKA "the day to make a bunch of resolutions" that you'll either A, attempt to follow but not succeed in any, or B, actually stick to.
When you're in college, it's so much easier to opt for A and so much harder to stick to them. Over the semester, we all get caught up in other activities, leaving our resolutions forgotten. But here are 16 doable and helpful New Year's resolutions that you and all college students should attempt.
1. Try to at least get six hours a sleep a night. In other words, don't constantly pull all-nighters.
2. At least talk to your professor once if you are struggling in a class.
3. Eat healthier -- maybe even go to the gym once a week when you have time.
4. Staying in every once in a while won't kill you.
5. But neither will going out at least once. Balance, children.
6. Study more!
7. Try to make a move on the person you like; you'll never know what will happen if you don't.
8. Go to the Library and read an interesting book, even if you hate reading.
9. If you're a senior, now would be a good time to start applying for grad schools/jobs.
10. Make some food for yourself every once in a while.
11. Try saving some money. In other words, don't blow money on clothes or on eating out constantly.
12. Every once in a while, do a movie night with your friends.
13. Go to the writing center to get help on that paper.
14. Go to org fair and join some clubs! There are so many clubs on campus that you can join to meet people.
15. Don't skip class (unless you are sick, I guess.) That's tuition money you're losing.
16. Make new friends! Go talk to that random person that's sitting by themselves in the commons or in the Hat Rack.
If you do all (or at least some) of these things, you'll have a better 2016, or at least a damn good semester.