Dear 16-year-old me,
This is such an exciting time! It's your sophomore year and you just got your license and a car! Things are starting to look up after a really hard freshman year- no kid should have to lose her dad that early. You've also recently made the decision to become a Christian! All very exciting, new things.
With everything going on, just remember who you are as a Christian, and don't let others dictate your relationship with the Lord. You have so many more morals and values than some of the people you're hanging out with, don't let them get to you.
Stop competing with every other girl. No one notices your outfits or pays attention to your SAT scores near as much as you think. Wear cute outfits and do well in school for yourself.
Spend as much time with your family as possible. It's really hard to leave them when you go to college. Go watch Becca at gymnastics practice more, you won't have many opportunities to do this after graduation.
Don't argue with friends over text message. It creates so many blurred lines and ruins friendships. And you'll be really embarrassed when your mom takes away your phone and sees your dumb arguments about a prom dress.
Don't sneak out of the house. You will get caught. By the cops. And your family will make fun of you for years.
Please stop thinking that having a boyfriend will make you happy. It definitely won't, later you'll also find that out the hard way too.
Tell your mom and big sister how much you love them. They care about you so much, and it stinks how long it takes for you to realize that they're two of your biggest supporters.
Don't take that shot of cheap alcohol before band practice just because your friends convince you to. It's your first bit of alcohol and it's disgusting. You'll really regret it when it's on the side of the practice field later. Seriously, just don't.
These are the same "friends" who make fun of you for not giving yourself to a guy. Being a virgin is not an insult, even if they use it as one. They are the pathetic ones, not you.
Please remember who you are and that you're important. You're allowed to stick up for yourself and be upset. I'm so glad that you care about others but care about yourself too. You are worth it.
I'm so glad that you didn't deal with a lot of the hard securities that most girls your age did, but you had your own. Don't forget that the Lord is so much bigger than all of these. High school was such a hard time and trying to realize who you are after dealing with a bigger tragedy than most teenagers is even harder. Losing people is hard. You don't need to be embarrassed about this, either. The Lord is there. And He won't ever leave. You have no idea yet how much that simple truth will change you.
Lastly, pay attention when backing up in the Subway parking lot. You may literally hit a parked car. And you'll never live this one down either.